Chapter Six - Kings Skys

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"Do you really believe that you can escape 1?" the man cried as he and the girl clashed, sparks flying every time their fists clashed. She was struggling to keep up and something told her that the man was actually holding back. "You belong to me!"

'I don't... I don't!' The girls eye's fixed on the man who had tortured her for so long "Not... 1..." she said with as much strength as she could muster. "...Aimi..."

This seemed to push the man over the edge as he grabbed the girl by her hair began repeatedly bashing her head into the ground. Aimi tried to free herself but his grip only tightened. "You. Belong. To. ME!!!" with each word he drove his fist into her stomach, harder and harder.

"N-no..." she gasped earning another round of abuse as the man struck her again repeatedly, each strike almost doubling in force and speed. Suddenly she felt the pressure on her head disappeare. Looking up she saw a man with red hair and golden eyes. His eyes locked on her green ones and she felt something stir within her, a feeling, though she had no idea what it was. The red man turned and looked at Aimi's tormentor as fire spread across his body just as Yata and Izumo's had. Another man walked up beside the red man. His hair was blue and his eyes violet. He offered a hand to help Aimi to her feet which she accepted. Once she was on her feet he lifted his sword towards the man and pointed it towards the crazed man as he began to stand back up. "Hotaru Akumu, you are here by under arrest for first degree kidnapping and assult." the man's eyes looked wild, blood lust clear as day in his eyes. He charged at the men in front of him, his aura glowing insanely bright with his intent to kill. Blue and Red clashed with luminescent, sending sparks of colours flying. For a moment Aimi was mesmerised by the dancing colours but quickly rejoined the fight. She may not be as strong as the three men but she would not let her new masters down 'Ya, Mo... I will protect my masters!!!' Aimi, the red man and the blue man continued to fight until the red pined down her old master as the blue drove his sword into his chest. Hotaru coughed then slowly closed his eyes, before finally going limp as his life ended. It was over. Aimi turned, and began trying to find Yata and Izumo. Fear spread through her when she couldn't see them. 'No...' she thought 'Masters...'

"What's your name girl" the red man asked looking at her. She ignored him and began desperately looking for Yata and Izumo. "Ya! Mo!" she cried. She was no longer glowing, and had returned to how she was, crawling along the ground searching for the boys.

"Yamo? What kind of name is that?" Mikoto asked while Munakata anime sweat dropped.

"I believe she's looking for something or rather someone." he sighed

"No kidding." Mikoto said glaring at Munakata. "But who's Yamo? Another strain?"

"Perhaps, though the question still remains as to who SHE is." as he said this Tatara and Seri walked up, returning from caring for the injured.

The girl looked at the pair hoping maybe they knew where her masters were "Ya, Mo?" she questioned.

Seri blinked confused looking at her captain while Tatara became lost in thought. "It seems she is looking for someone." he stated.

"Another strain?" she asked

"I am unsure though that is unlikely as the strains here were called by number." Munakata said while Mikoto shrugged

"Yamo... Yamo..." Tatara repeat slowly today himself thinking hard. "Ah!" he suddenly shouted making everyone look at him "Do you mean Yata and Izumo?" The girl nodded, looking Tatara right in the eyes. "The're this way, I'll take you there." he said offering her a hand.

"Wait." Munakata said "She needs to be examined first." the girls eyes widened before narrowing as she glared at Munakata and bared her teeth. Munakata reached for his sword only to have Mikoto stop him.

"She helped my clansman, which means I'll be taking responsibility for her." he said

"Strains fall under the jurisdiction of Secpter 4. We will be taking the girl in for evaluation." Munakata challenged

"Don't forget that your clan is in my debt. The girl is now part of HOMRA." The two men glared at each other before Munakata slowly removed his hand from his sword.

"Very well Mikoto, but should she be involved in or provoke an incident... We WILL take her into custody." Munakata then turned, and walked away followed by Seri.

"Alright then," Tatara said to the girl "Let's take you to the others shall we?" Aimi simply looked at Tatara and then began following him, crawling along on her hands and knees.

"Did you hurt your feet?" Tatara asked "Would you like me to carry you?" The girl just stared at Tatara then jumped in surprise when Mikoto suddenly picked her up.

"You're to slow." he said and continued walking with Tatara walking beside him.

"My name's Tatara Totsuka, and this man here is our King Mikoto Souh." he said happily "What's your name?"

The girl watched the strange man for a while trying to decide what to say. She could say her name but what if her masters wanted to give her a new name? It wouldn't hurt to say her old name would it? "Ai...mi."

"Aimi? What a pretty name!" Tatara said while Mikoto tried to remember where he had heard that name before... It sounded familiar. After a moment Mikoto gave up, not being motivated enough to bother trying to remember.

"Here we are!" Tatara said bringing Mikoto out of his thoughts. Aimi jumped out of Mikotos arms and began looking around for Yata and Izumo. After a moment she saw Yata covered in bandages sitting next to an unconscious Izumo. He was hooked up to a bunch of beeping machines that Aimi didn't recognise. She half crawled, half ran to the boys.

"Ya! Mo!" Yata looked up, and looked relieved to see the girl.

"You're okay." he said with a soft smile. The girl returned his smile before looked at Izumo. Her smile fell as looked him up and down.

"Mo...?" she asked slowly reaching up and touching his chest by his heart. "Mo, Mo!" she began crying. Yata watched the girl with no clue as to how to comfort her when he himself wanted to cry. He lowered his head trying to keep his tears and fear from resurfacing.

"What the...!" he could hear people shouting while others gasped. Yata's head snapped up to see the girl was glowing again, her hands on Izumo's chest. He could see Izumo's wounds and bruises healing. 'This again..' Yata thought but then noticed that the girls hands were now covered in bruises and cuts began to appear across her arms.

"Hey!" Yata went to pull the girl away but the moment he touched her he could feel his own pain begin to ease. Realising what was happening, Yata quickly pulled away. The girls arms and shoulders were now covered in cuts. "Stop!" Yata yelled. At this the girl stopped and looked at Yata.

"Ya..." the girl said.

"He'll be okay, don't hurt yourself like this." he said softly. The girl began to sway and Yata quickly stepped forward and supported her as she fell into a deep sleep.

Author Note

Okay guys, so from here on out the voting begins! Who will win Aimi's heart? The rules are simple, you can choose ANY project K character from any of the clans. Simply comment or Pm me vote :-)

Next chapter, HOMRA! As always, please let me know what you guys think in the comments.
Hinode out, Peace!

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