Chapter Ten - Dreams and Demons

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"No! Mama, mama!!!" small hands reached out to the woman that lay motionless on the ground in the dark alleyway. "Mama!!!" tears blurred the child's vision, as they desperately tried crawling closer to the dead woman despite the pain the tore through it's legs and up it's spine. In the distance the sound of a clock tower striking four could be heard.

"Your Mother is gone child." and man laughed with ice in his voice as he walked ever closer. "Now, come with me."

"No... Mama... No!!!" the child began screaming.

"Don't be afraid, you'll be the first of many. My number one..."

"No, no!" the child cried as they desperately tried to crawl away. "No!"

* * *

"No!!!" Chitose cried as he shot up straight in his bed. He could feel the sweat dripping brown his back as he looked around in panic only to find that he was in his room. Slowly his breaths returned to normal as he slumped back down. 'What the hell was that..?' he thought. 'It felt so... real.' He could still remember the pain in his legs and the terror from the man. He could swear he had seen him before. Groaning, Chitose looked at his phone. "Only four o'clock? It's so early, but how the hell am I supposed to sleep after that!" annoyed Chitose got up and decided to have a shower.

* * *

Chitose groaned and let his head rest on the counter at HOMRA. It was still FAR to early to be awake in his mind and Izumo probably agreed as he had found the boy sitting outside the bar while he was getting ready to open up.

"Mind telling me why your here so early?" Izumo asked earning another groan before the boy replied.

"Couldn't sleep."

"Oh? Don't tell me, you got kicked out by one of your one night stands."

"...No, not that..."

"Snuck out?"

"Hey, it was nothing like that okay! Look, can I just get a drink."

"...Chitose, it's only six o'clock. HOMRA's not even open for another hour."

"So that's a no?"

Izumo sighed, "It's a yes if you'll tell me why you even need to drink at six in the morning."

"Okay fine... I..." Chitose paused then continued in a quiet voice "I had a bad dream." Izumo could hear his voice shake a little and was stunned.

"Must have been some dream huh." he said quickly mixing a drink and giving it to the boy. "Mind telling what it was?"

Chitose sipped on the drink. "I... I was in some alleyway, and... I was a kid, I think." he paused, gulping down some of the drink and taking a deep breath before continuing. "There was a woman, she was dead and this man..." Chitose shivered "I... I think he killed her. He said I had to go with him, I tried to get away but I think my kegs were broken and I just couldn't crawl away and..." Chitose's voice broke at this point and he gulped down the last of the drink. Izumo quickly gave him a refill which he downed in one go.

"I'm sure it was nothing more than a dream." he said, trying to reassure the boy.

"It just felt so real. He was just so... cold. He talked like he owned me. Said that I was his number one or something..." Izumo stopped at this point, opened a draw and began sifting through it. After a while he pulled out a picture and showed it to Chitose.

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