Chapter Thirteen - Blood Red

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"AIMI!!!" Yata cried, frozen in place. "No... Aimi..."

The blues also watched in horror. "Hey! What the hell man!"

Nearby onlookers attending the festival began screaming and fled the terrible scene.

"I-I... She didn't move...The h.." the man's voice was cut of as a hand wrapped around his neck. It belong to Aimi and those who hadn't run already stood rooted watching in horror as her free hand reached up and slowly removed the sword from her chest. Aimi's eye's began to glow as her luminescent aura wrapped around her body. Yata realised that it was different what he had seen before. Instead of looking like a night sky, the colours swirled in a violent dance, as if trying to destroy each other. One colour raged brighter the the rest, completely enveloping Aimi's eye's which were now a blood red.

With a sickening sound, the red suddenly rushed into Aimi's hand completely severing his head from him body as Aimi began laughing uncontrollably. She then turned to Yata, "Run, Yata" she said as tears fell from her eyes. She then turned and charged at the remaining blues. They tried to defend themselves, and even managed to cut her. She didn't even seem to feel the pain as she drove her hand into one of the men's chest, ripping out his heart.

Yata ran and blocked her from killing the remain men "Aimi, stop it's okay. Just stop okay?" Yata begged

Aimi didn't even seem to register who he was as she lunged forward to attack, laughing as though she had gone completely mad. Just before she struck Yata, he was pulled out of the way by Rikio.

"Is that Aimi?! The hell happened Yata!" he said as the rest of the HOMRA members and Seri came running up.

"I don't know! A blue managed to stab her and then she just lost it!"

"No..." Chitose said in a strangled voice "Mikoto, she can't control it!"

"Explain." the king said, not taking his eyes off the girl who was now laughing hysterically.

"It's... Like a defence mechanism, I think. Right now, she's fighting to control it but if she goes completely red she'll kill anyone and everyone she sees."

"Chitose, I know it's hard but you have to think hard. Is there anything we can do to stop that from happening."

"I... Yes... I think I can do it. Anna, you share a strong mental link with Aimi. If Mikoto can restrain her long enough that I can touch her then Anna should be able to reform Aimi and my mental link. That should act as a reset."

"Will it work." Mikoto asked


"Then get read." With that Mikoto ran towards Aimi. In just a moment the two were locked in a battle with Aimi seemingly trying to hurt Mikoto anyway she could. Mikoto was faster and managed to get her in a lock. This cause Aimi to begin screaming like a cornered animal, desperately fighting to free herself. Her aura flash, burning Mikoto as he held on to her refusing to let go.

Chitose ran up to the pair and grabbed Aimi's hand, placing it against his heart. "Anna, now!" he cried as the red burnt through his clothes in an instant and began burning his skin. Anna struggled but managed to force the link open, begging in her heart for this to save her sister. Red burst out, as if trying to strike at the very air itself before settling down leaving only smoke and dust surrounding the trio.

Mikoto looked at Aimi as relaxed then blinked. When her eyes fell on Chitose she began crying weakly. "N-no..." she whispered before passing out in Mikotos arms. He looked at the boy in front of him. Smoke rose from the burnt skin on his chest as he sat on his knees, arms burnt, limp but twitching at his side. Then, to Mikotos surprising, he began to chuckle before breaking out into a full hysterical laugh. Mikoto watched him carefully as the others run up behind him. Dewa was about to go to his friend but Anna grabbed his arm holding him back.

"Not yet. He's still fight." she said. After a moment, Chitose stopped and slowly looked up at the HOMRA members. They looked in horror at his left eye which was now the same blood red that Aimi he'd been using, with small veins of it stretching across that side of his face and down to his heart.

"I..." he began before coughing, blood coming out as he did so. "...could really go for a drink about now." he finished with a weak smile.

"You IDIOT! DON'T YOU DARE MAKE ME WORRY LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU IDIO! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW BAD YOU LOOK!" Dewa yelled at Chitose before sighing and putting his shirt around his friends shoulders. "Warn me next time."

"There won't be a next time." They all looked up and saw Munakata standing with his subordinates. "I told you that if that strain caused an incident that we would bring her into custody. It would seem that destroying a festival and killing my men is certainly quite the incident."

"Back off Munakata. I told you before, she's a member of HOMRA. Your men attacked her, so blame your own but don't ever think that you can touch mine." Mikoto said glaring back.

"I will not back down on this Mikoto."

"The hell I will either." Mikoto said passing Aimi to Tatara before activating his sword of damocles and releasing his aura. Munakata followed suit, drawing his sword and activating his own.

Seri then spoke up, "Sir, a battle between two kings in the middle of the city like this..."

"Clear the area lieutenant."

Seri hesitated for a moment, but then no. "Yes sir."

"Wait!" Chitose cried "Aimi's not at threat anymore!" everyone stopped and steared at the boy. "Munakata, you see my eye right? I ripped Aimi's powers out of her. She doesn't have them any more."

"So, you claim to now hold her powers? Very well, then I will take you both into custody."

"Munakata, I don't recommend that." Chitose said, the weakness in his voice no longer there. It was now replaced by something else. Something the made everyone, even the kings nervous as a grin slowly spread across his face. "You see, Aimi was a good, caring girl who fought to keep her power in check. I however have no issue with breaking someone if need be. Don't test me."

Munakata hesitated, before lowering his sword only to realise that it was no longer in his hand but Chitose's. The boy tilted it side to side before walking up to Munakata and stabbing it into the dirt in front of him.

"Leave." he said

Munakata looked annoyed, pulling his sword out of the ground before placing in back into it's sheath. "This matter is not yet settled." he said before turning around and leaving. His men following suit. Seri paused, looking at Aimi with sorrow in her eyes before leaving with the other blues.

Chitose simply stood there for a moment before turning to looked at Dewa saying, "Okay, now I really need a drink." Before passing out face first into the ground. Izumo sighed and helped Dewa pick up Chitose. He the looked at Yata. "You're never choosing another outing again."


This chapter 0.0... Let me know what you guys think okay ^^

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Next chapter: "The price you pay." As always, please let me know what you guys think in the comments.

Hinode out, Peace!

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