Chapter Five - Starlit Tears

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"Mo..." the girl said as tears fell from her eyes and landed on the face of the man lying in her arms. She could feel her heart breaking, and a feeling pouring out of it that she had never felt before but she knew what it was instantly. No longer did she feel only fear towards the man she knew as master but now she felt hate. Pure, unhindered, hate. This man was no longer her master. Laying Izumo down slowly the girl rose to her feet, standing up for the first time in more years than she could remember.

"Well, well. We're standing now." the man chided "That's not allowed pet."

The girl ignored the man, instead focusing on the power she could feel pouring out from first her eyes, and then the rest of her body.

"Hey, hey..." the man said, beginning to look slightly nervous at what was happening before him. The girl's eyes began glowing like each held a galaxy within them, and then her hair changed from it normal brown to glow in the same way her eyes were. It flowed out, as if gravity no longer affected it, and soon her whole body glowed as if one wasn't looking at a girl but rather the night sky. A thousand times brighter than even the clearest sky.

"Mas...ter..." the girl said with a voice the sounding like a choir singing.

"Ah, my pet!" the man almost giggled "Yes! Come to your master!" the girl began walking towards the man, raising one arm towards him. Yata could only stare at what was happening in front of him. Then man's laughing was abruptly interrupted as he was sent flying to the far wall with a cracking sound as he fell to the ground dazed.

"Mas...ter...Ya" the girl said reaching her hand out to him. Yata steared at the girl before slowly reaching up and taking her hand. She gently pulled him to his feet, and then turned to face her previous master who was now standing once again.

"You shouldn't have done that 1." he said, with no trace of his psychotic happy side. The man eyes narrowed watching her as he himself began to glow in the same way as the girl. The two charged at each other, fist meeting fist creating shock waves that shook the very ground around them. Yata grabbed Izumo and began stumbling away. As much as his body screamed at him to fight, to protect the girl, he knew that this was a fight he beyond his ability. "Please..." Yata whispered shaking while he could hear the battle raging behind him while Izumo's breaths grew shorter. "...Mikoto..."

Suddenly the wall in front of Yata burst apart as flames lept from where it once stood. At the centre of the flames stood none other than Mikoto Souh, the red king. Mikoto looked at Yata and Izumo, his eyes quickly taking in their wounds especially those of Izumo. His eyes burned with hate, "Who." he asked Yata turned and looked at the pair that were fighting.

"The guy." he said "She helped us Mikoto." Yata said and Mikoto nodded and ran forward to end the man's life for daring to harm his clansmen. Yata looked back at the hole and saw the other reds climbing through followed by the blue clan. Before he could react Yata felt a waves of dizziness wash over him.

"Yata! Izumo!" a man called out with light brown hair cried.

"Tatara..." Yata said surprisingly weakly, 'No,' he thought 'Not yet...' He could feel the affects of his blood loss, as he battled for conciseness.

"Easy Yata" Tatara said guiding the boy to a sitting position and quickly lying Izumo down. He opened his shirt and his eyes widened when he saw the bullet would. He turned to the woman who was now standing beside him with a first aid kit already in hand. The woman, Seri, quickly took over while shouting out orders to get a stretcher in and to prep for surgery while Tatara began tending to Yata's wounds, patching them up the best he could. Yata balled his hands into fists, trying to look past the people surrounding him to see if the girl was okay. He saw flashes of red and blue mixing with the strange bright glow that filled the area. Yata realised that at some point Munakata the blue king must have joined the fight. He could only hope that the girl would be okay...

Author Note

How will the battle play out? What thoughts lying within the strange girl? Who is she, and who is the Man? Find out in the next chapter, "Kings Skys"!

Sorry about the delay and the short chapter! As always, please let me know what you guys think in the comments.
Hinode out, Peace!

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