Chapter Fifteen - A Blank Slate

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The boy slowly opened his... What were they? They were... Eyes! Yes, his eyes. He looked around the... Room. He was in a room and it was... Dark. Yes, he knew these words. They were used so that humans could make sense of the world. Yes, he remembered now. Humans, like the one that lay quietly beside him. Was he sleeping? He was rather still, perhaps he was dead. Slate had often said how frail human vessels were. Just like the one he now was in.

The boy climbed out of the bed, walked towards the window and looked out at the quite street below. As he looked, he could hear the still human beginning to wake. 'So it wasn't dead.' he thought. The human seemed startled for a moment before turning and looking at him with large wet eyes as a... Smile began on the humans face.

"Chitose! You're awake!"

'Chitose? That sounds familiar... But I know slate has never mentioned it to me so it can't be of any importance.' The boy thought, not bothering to answer the human.

"Chitose... You okay?"

'That human... Is it referring to me?" The boy eyed the human carefully, trying to figure out what it was trying to achieve."

"Chitose, can you hear me?" The human seemed upset for some reason.

'It must want something from me.' "State your name and what is it you want human." The human seemed surprised before slowly opening his mouth to reply.

"Chitose, what do you mean? It's me, Dewa. Don't you remember? We're friends..." The human... Dewa said, his fists clenching.

"Friends..? I don't know that word. Explain."

"Um, you know... Friends. Like, we help each other out and we like to spend time together... Chitose what's going on?"

The boy sighed, "I see. You have my self confused with another. I am not this 'Chitose' of whom you speak."

"What??? You're... Who are you? What did you do yo Chitose!"

"Human, the volume of your voice is annoying. I did nothing. I simply awoke in this vessel. The fact that I now exist means that whoever this 'Chitose' is, they are no longer alive."

"What...? What do you mean, 'no longer alive'!!! What... What the hell!!!" Dewa's aura began to seep from his shaking fists.

"Oh, so you're a red clansman then. Interesting."

"Give... Him... Back."

"What are you talking about human?"

"What the hell do you think I'm talking about!!! Give Chitose back! Give him back his body!!!"

"You seem to be confused. The human soul that originally owned this vessel no longer exists."

"So what, you trying to tell me you killed him?!"

"...not intentionally..." the boy said slowly, trying to choose his words carefully.

Before he could say anything else Dewa had pinned him against the wall. "What do you mean by that!!! Explain!"

"He took me, my power into his body by choice. My power was to much and as a direct result of his own actions, he died."

"No..." Dewa's whole body was now shaking as tears began to fall down his face. "You're lying!"

"For what purpose? I gain nothing by being trapped in this human vessel. The loss of his life lies solely on him."

"No..." Dewa slowly sunk to the floor, tears running down his face which now seemed to be blank from shock.

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