Chapter Three - Green Eyes

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Yata watched in horror as Izumo screamed and then passed out from the collar. "Mr Kusanagi!" Yata called as he dragged himself to where Izumo lay unconscious. Each breath he took was laboured and so quite that Yata feared he would simply stop breathing altogether.

"Come on Mr Kusanagi, get a grip! You can't die now, what about HOMRA? And Mr Mikoto and your bar?!" Yata began looking around the dark room for anything he could use to help as panic began to wash over him. It was then that he noticed a pair of bright green eyes watching him. Yata froze and steared at them, unable to look away. They were so full of emotions, but the one that struck Yata the most was concern.

"Hey..." Yata called out to the eyes. "Who are you?" The eyes blinked, looking confused. Yata glanced at Izumo to make sure he was still breathing before moving slowly closer to the strange eyes. It was painful with the wound in his side but he wasn't going to let that stop him. When he was close enough Yata realised that the eyes belonged to the same girl he had tried to rescue before he got himself and Izumo into the mess.

"W-w-whats y-your name?" Yata stuttered as a blush crossed his face. 'Darn it Yata' he thought, 'Nows not the time to get nervous!!! I gotta help Izumo!' The girl continued to watch the blushing boy with a glint of fascination crossing her eyes. Yata mentally slapped himself when he suddenly realised that she couldn't possibly answer as her mouth was still being covered by that muzzle. Taking a deep breath to try to steady his racing heart, Yata reached out to try to remove the muzzle. The girl quickly backed away, fear flashing through her eyes.

"I-It's ok, I won't hurt you." Yata said. The girls eyes darted between Yata and Izumo looking conflicted. Finally, she crawled closer to Yata until she was within arms reach and then nodded. Yata reached forward again and after struggling with the muzzle for a while he was able to remove it.

"There." Yata said, watching as the girl felt her face with a look of wonder. "I'm Misaki Yata, and my friend here is Mr Izumo Kusanagi."

"M..i...ya....ya..." the girl sounded out like each sound took enormous effort "" the girl began coughing. It was a dry cough, that sounded like her lungs would tear apart at any moment.

"H-hey! Easy!" Yata said, "You don't have to force yourself!" The girl looked up at Yata

"...Ya..." it came out scratchy, but the girl looked so happy that Yata couldn't bring himself to scold her again. The look of joy faded away when her eyes fell back on Izumo's still form.

"...Mo..." Yata could hear the concern laced into what she could manage of Izumo's name.

"He'll be ok." Yata said surprising even himself at how sure he sounded. "It'll take more that this to bring down one of HOMRAs main three!" this statement seemed to only confuse the poor girl, as she turned her head to one side.

At that moment the building began to shake, while dust and amounts of small debris fell from the ceiling above. "Ya!" the girl said as she suddenly curled up so close to the young man that she was almost sitting on his lap. Yata fought away his urge to run away and without really thinking much petted her head to try to calm the shaking girl. 'This is our chance...but. I don't think I can carry Izumo...or get out of this cage...' he thought. Yata looked at the girl, she had stopped shaking but still remained extremely close to the boy. "Sorry," he said "I don't think I can bust us out with this cage messing with my aura..." Yata cringed when he felt the girls hands gently touching the wound on his side. The girl closed her eyes, seeming to focus as intently as she could. After a moment her eyes snapped back open and to Yata's surprise they were no longer bright green but rather looked like he was steering into a galaxy of stars and swirling nebulas. He hand began to glow with the same swirl of colours in her eyes. Yata felt the pain in his side slowly ease by about half until the girls hands dropped to her side and she blinked as her eyes changed back into her usual green. 'She's a strain.' Yata realised. 'But with the cage... how?' he looked down at the near exhausted girl in amazement. Seeming to catch her breath the girl brought her mouth to Yata's neck.

"H-h-hey!!!! W-w-what a-a-are..." Yata began panicing as his blush spread out to his ears, turning the a deep crimson. He froze as he felt her mouth envelope the collar around his neck, and with one shift bite she ripped it from his neck. The girl grunted as he watched her own collar lit up, sending electricity throughout her small frame.

"Why..?" he asked as he watched the girl begin to craw towards Izumo, her body still being attacked by the collar. Yata could only watch in a state of shock as the girl opened her mouth, revealing razor sharp teeth which then bit down hard into Izumo's collar effectively destroying it. The girl then fell to her side, struggling to reamin on her hands and feet. Yata rushed forward and caught the girl, cradling her in his arms.

"Ya..." the girl said is an almost whisper.

"Easy, please don't push yourself..." Yata begged the girl.

"...Ya..." she begged again pointing towards the cages door.

"It's've done enough." the girl smiled, shook her head and pointed to the door once more. Yata felt his heart break at the idea of the girl causing herself more pain, but knew that she was the only chance they had. Yata half carried, half dragged the girl to the door. Raising herself up, the girl bit into cages lock, breaking it leaving the door to swing open before her collar shocked her body once more. Yata reached out for her only to rip his hand back from the extreme pain that ripped through his body on contact. Cradling his hand, Yata was unable to do anything as he's watched the girl write silently in pain. Once the torture subsided Yata gently lifted the almost unconscious girl and pulled Izumo with him out of the cage. The moment he was out Yata felt his aura spike as he regained his strength. Looking at Izumo, he saw the older boy stirring and slowly opened his eyes.

"What... Happened?" Izumo gasped.

"The girl..." Yata said, "...she, she got us out." Izumo's eyes opened wider at this sudden news. He looked at the girl in Yata's arms then, standing up, he brought his hand to the collar around her neck. With a quick burst of his aura, he broke the collar and ripped it off the girl.

"Let's get out of here." Izumo said.

Author Note
Yay! Next chapter is the great escape! Can Yata and Izumo escape from their captor or will they be caught, tortured or even killed! Find out in the next chapter, "Freedoms Flames"!
As always, please let me know what you guys think in the comments.
Hinode out, Peace!

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