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***Few weeks later***

Maidel was sitting on her bench she hid out in the woods. She was drawing a girl sitting on the ground with her head on her knees crying. The girl had a blade in one of her hands and blood dripping from her wrist. She hid the girls face with her hair. Then Maidel looked at her own wrist. She ran her thumb across it and remember what Justin said. Maidel kissed her wrists and repeated the words "Never again".

Her phone buzzed and it was Justin.

J- wanna hang out today? Like go on a date?
M- of course! Sounds perfect (:
J- pick you up in 15 babe

Maidel clicked her phone off and grabbed her things off the bench and took off towards her house. She was making a musical ly when there was a knock on the door. Justin walks in with a big grin on his face. "Ready?" He said with so much excitement. "Yes. And what are you so happy and smiley about?" Maidel giggled. Justin started blushing. He walked up to her and put his arms around her. "Because I get to go on a date with the cutest girl ever." She leaned up and kissed him on the nose. Justin started pouting. Maidel rolled her eyes and smiled.

They got to the car and pulled out of the driveway. After 10 min, Maidel wanted to know where they were going. "I can't tell you. Its a surprise and I cant ruin the surprise for you." She stuck her bottom lip out. "Fine." He laughed and kept driving. The faint sound of the radio made Maidel drift off to sleep.

She woke up to Justin's adorable voice. "Hey were here sleepy head." Maidel flutters her eyes open. She looked out the window and they were at the beach. Maidel squeals and gets out of the car running towards the water. She lets the cold water run on her feet as she sinks her toes deeper into the wet sand. Justin walks up to her with a cloth in his hand. She looks at him puzzled. "I can't let you see the surprise yet. Put this on." She put on the blindfold and let Justin lead her to what he has been waiting for all day.

They walk on the beach for a few minutes and Justin stops. "Can i take this off now?" Maidel sighs, waiting impatiently. Justin laughs. "Yes baby girl. She giggles and takes off the blindfold. Maidel opened her eyes and instantly started crying. In front on her was a table set up for a dinner for two. There was candles and it was in the center of a giant heart made of red flower petals.

Maidel turns to Justin and starts crying even more. "You mean the world to me Justin Drew Blake. I love everything about you. Your my one and only." She kisses him and he smiles. His eyes started filling up with tears. "Nobody has ever loved someone as much as i love you Maidel. I want you to be mine forever. Never again will i loose you." Justin smiles and Maidel falls in love even harder with him. She had to promise herself to never let him go.

They sat at the table and ate the romantic dinner. In the corner Maidel sees a flash of light. She looks up at the sky and it was black and it started pouring rain. They quickly get up and run to the car, laughing in the process. Justin and Maidel drive to Justin's house so they can hang out for a little bit.

They pull up to the house and walk inside. Everyone in the house was gone so they figured to sit in the living room and watch Netflix. Maidel wanted to watch a movie but Justin had something else in mind. "Hold on. I have something for you." He gets up and starts running upstairs to his room. "Justin! You have already surprised me enough. How can this night get better?" Her heart starts to pound out of her chest from excitement.

He comes back downstairs and has a small speaker in his hand. "I have a song i wanna sing to you." The familiar sound of "Never Stop" starts blaring out of the speaker. Maidel covers her mouth with her hands. Tears start streaming from her face as he starts singing to her. "I will never holding your hand. I will never stop opening your door. I will never stop choosing you babe." Maidel jumps in and starts singing with him. "I will never get use to you" they slowly sing together. Justin looks at Maidel very serious. "I have 1 more thing for you." He pulls out a small box and Maidel freezes. He opens it and inside is a beautiful promise ring. She starts crying again. She gets up and kisses Justin. She whispers in his ear " Yes. I will be yours forever Justin." She wraps her arms around him and they slowly fall asleep in each others arms.

Hey everyone! I know its been a while since i last posted and i am very sorry! I have been dealing with some things and never had the chance to write. But i will try to update every week now. Most likely on the weekend since i have school.

Thanks babes for being patient with me <3

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IG// @_its_maidel_

She is the reason this story is possible! Go on her insta and comment Valaree loves you!

Thanks babes <3

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