Black and Blue

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****Attention! There is some major violence in this chapter. If you do not wish to read it, skip ahead. I will put where it will start and end****

There was a loud bang and Maidel quickly opened her tired eyes. She sees an angry Nathan storm in. Her heartbeat picks up knowing what he is about to do. "Poor Justin wants to save the little whore. Ha! He will never find you." Nathan chuckles. "Look at you. To weak to move. To weak to fight back. You will slowly die and nobody will be here to save you." He gets up from the table and picks up a chair slams it across the floor, making Maidel tense with terror.

***violence begins***
He disappears into a room and comes on moments later with tape on his hands. He walks up to the chair Maidel is sitting in. Tears start to fill her terrified eyes. "Nathan no please." She manages before he smacks her across the face. Her cheek stung from his palm. He raises his hand again and slaps her even harder. Then he takes a nearby book and slams it against her face, shooting a wave of agony all through her body. Blood starts to gush from her nose. He kicks the chair out from under her and her head makes contact with the hard cement floor. Nathan starts to kick the chair around and then kicks Maidel in the stomach several times. Tears streaming down her face, Maidel winces at the pain. He sits her up and she has her head hung low. Her face was all swollen and puffy. Blood covered her face. Her right eye was swollen shut while the other dripping fresh blood. Her bruised face has fresh cuts and dried blood from when he hurt her before. He takes one final swing and blackness takes over her body
***end of violence***

Maidel wakes up and licks her swollen black and blue lips, tasting blood. She moves her head but winces in pain. Her stomach was on fire and her whole body was covered in dried blood and bruises. Nathan walks out of his room and looks over at Maidel. He smiles and walks out the front door,leaving her alone and to suffer in pain. She sees a knife on the table across the room. She starts moving her body, hoping the chair would move. Tears were falling down her blood stained face and she bit her bottom lip to hold back her painful screams. She tries standing but falls over instead, landing on the floor. She screams in pain. Her whole body was sore. Every move she made felt like sharp knives being stuck in her body. She looks over and sees a broken beer bottle glass. She starts sliding the chair and her limp body across the floor. She grabs the glass with her mouth and tosses it where she can reach it with her tied hands. She grips the glass and tries to cut the tape from her wrists. Fresh blood starts dripping where Maidel gripped the glass so hard. She manages to cut the tape and free her arms.

Even though her body was weak, she kept trying to get free. She reached down at her bare feet and slowly tore off the duck tape. She laid there in the floor trying to push herself up. She screamed for help but there was no use, nobody could hear her. Maidel slowly started dragging her limp body towards the door. She reaches up to the knob and pulls herself up. Her legs were like jello but she knew she had to escape quickly before Nathan came back and found her gone. She opens the door and starts to make a run for it. She winces in pain but keeps pushing herself to get away. She slowly runs into the woods. Maidel hears cars and starts running faster. She found a road! Cars were flying down the highway and Maidel appears out of the woods. She walks beside the road and tries flagging people down. A dark green van sees her and pulls over. A middle aged man gets out and so does another lady. "Ruby call 911." She hears the man say. He runs to Maidel's side before she collapses and she passes out.

Maidel slowly opens her eye and sees a bright light. She gets adjusted and looks around the room. She notices she is in a hospital bed, a bunch of needs connecting to her body. She turns her head but screams in pain. A nurse runs in and to her bedside. "Don't move sweetie. You are alright. Nobody is going to hurt you in here. You are safe. Take these." She was holding pain killers in her hand with a small cup of water. She gives Maidel the pills and tips the water where she can drink it. Maidel licks her dry and bloody lips. Then it hits her. "Where is my parents? And Justin. I need to see him." She tries to sit up but it send more pain through her body. "Honey. They are in the waiting room. Nobody is allowed to visit until the doctor looks at you. Then only your parents until you have healed up more." She spoke so softly. "Please. I need to see Justin. Its important. I am begging you." Her bottom lip quivers." The nurse sends her a sad look. "I will see what I can do. Until then get some rest." She walks out leaving Maidel alone and frightened. Minutes later she hears talking outside of the room. Then yelling. Justin barges in the hospital room with his brothers and Maidel's parents behind him. "Oh my god Maidel your okay!" Tears running down Justin's face. He runs to her side and hugs her gently. It still hurt but she didn't care. "Nathan..." She whispered. "He did this. He hurt me. Please don't let him find me and take me away again Justin." She starts sobbing into his shoulder. "Hey shhhh. It's alright. I'm here now. I will protect you. Forever and always beautiful." He speaks softly into her ear. He backs away and let's her parents see her. "Mom! Dad! I missed you so much." Her mom and dad hugged her tight. Tears were falling from her moms face. "I am so sorry baby. Were here now. No more leaving you." Her mom sobbed. Danny and Damon came over and gave her hugs. "We missed you so much. We are so glad your okay." Damon said to Maidel. "I miss you all so much." There was a knock at the door and it was the doctor. "Hey Miss Cano. I see your awake. If you boys don't mind waiting outside for a few moments. I need to speak with Maidel and her parents." The boys walk out shutting the door behind them. The doctor clears his throat. "Mr and Mrs Cano, it seems Maidel has three broken ribs, a broken nose,concussion, sprained ankle and a fractured wrists. There will need to be surgery and she should recover soon but she will need physical therapy to help make the recovery shorter." He walks out and two policeman come in. After talking with her dad, the policeman leave. "What did they say dad?" Maidel whispers he shakes his head. "They want you to come down to the station and identify if they caught the right guy. They got Nathan honey."


That was a long chapter! I hoped you all enjoyed it very much! I will be writing a lot more and maybe making the chapters longer too.

I hope you guys are having an amazing summer! I love you all and don't forget to comment and vote! I am thinking about writing a sequel yo this book. Do you think I should? Comment if I should or not :)

Thanks babes <3 stay strong everyone. Remember, you are worth it!

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