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Justin sat on the edge of his bed crying ever since Maidel left. "He hasn't ate. We try to make him but he won't." Danny whispers to their mom. She walks in and sits next to Justin. "Justin, honey. I know you're hurt Maidel is missing. We all are. But you have to eat something. She would want you to." He shakes his head. "I'm not hungry. Get out please. I wanna be left alone." She sighs and walks out of the room not wanting to upset him even more. Justin runs his hands through his hair. He gets up and walks to his bathroom. He looks in the mirror and sees the bags under his eyes. His black and red hair was sticking up all over the place. Justin's face was stained with tears. He was filled with so much pain because the love of his life was gone. He wanted everything to end..

Damon and Danny were talking downstairs making sure nobody heard them. "Should we do something? Like she has been gone for months . What do you think happened Danny?" He asks his brother with sorrow. "I don't know Damon. But all i know is we will find her shortly." Then there was a loud banging sound. The boys run upstairs. They see Justin had punched a hole in the wall and his fist covered in blood. "What did you do?? Mom! Come here!" Danny yelled. He grabbed a towel to clean up the blood. "He has her Danny. He has Maidel. I will kill him if it's the last thing i do." Justin said behind gritted teeth. "What are you talking about? Who has Maidel?" The blue hair boy asked. "NATHAN HAS MAIDEL! HE SENT ME A VIDEO OF HER CRYING FOR US TO HELP HER! THERE ARE BRUISES ON HER FACE! I HAVE TO FIND HER. HE HURT HER! I HAVE TO KILL HIM FOR WHAT HE DID TO HER!!!" Justin didn't realize tears were flowing from his eyes. Moments later their mom cones upstairs with a first aid kit and helps clean her son up. She walks downstairs to call the police.

They waited in the living room anxiously for the cops. Justin was pacing back and forth, biting his nail. He had to think of ways to get Maidel back. But he didn't know how. She has been missing for months. Just the thought of him hurting his love made him boil with anger. He ran his hands through his faded red and black hair. He was shaking and his head was pounding. He had giant bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep. He would cry himself to sleep every night thinking of the last time he seen her.

There was a knock at the door and Justin took off to answer it. There was a familiar face at the door with the same grin. Nathan. Justin clenched his hands until his knuckles turned white. Danny and Damon where holding him back so he couldn't attack Nathan. "LET ME GO! THE SON OF A BITCH HAS MAIDEL! I NEED TO GET HER BACK!" Tears were streaming down Justin's blood red face. "Justin he isn't worth it. We need to talk to him because only he knows where Maidel is. Be brave for her" Damon whispered in his ear. Justin snatched his arms away from his brothers. "What do you want? You have tortured me enough" Justin spat.
Nathan let out a chuckle. "I just wanted to make a compromise. I have had Maidel in my care for a few months now. I am breaking her Justin. And it's all because of you. I did this because of you. I took her because of you. I was the only one there for her when you left. She cried many nights because she was missing you. I was being a good friend until one thing led to another. You had to come back and ruin our relationship. So I had to go away for a little bit to come up with a plan to make you suffer like I did." He pulled out an iPad and unlocked it. On the screen was Maidel sitting in a chair, chained up with duck tape over her mouth. There were bruises on her body and she was wearing nothing but a bra and underwear. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was shallow. "Maidel! Baby I'm coming to get you!" Justin screamed at the screen. "Haha, she can't hear you Justin. Sooner or later, she won't be strong enough to hold on anymore. Then you will feel the pain I felt."

Justin stood up and got in Nathan's face. "You are a sick and twisted BASTARD! LET HER GO! I'M RIGHT HERE! YOU WANT ME NOT HER! WHAT YOU WAITING FOR? HUH?" Nathan smiled. "See you soon Justin. I will stay in touch. And remember, I am watching you. Don't do anything stupid like get cops involved. I will get rid of your precious Maidel just like that. I will let her know you said hello. Bye hahaha." Just like that, he walked out the door. Justin turned around towards his brothers. "So this is how it is. We have to sit around and do nothing! We have to stop him! He has Maidel for Jesus sakes. We have to tell the cops!" Danny jumped in. "God Justin didn't you hear what he said? He said he would kill Maidel if we got the cops involved. We have to figure this out on our own. We have to stick together. Just calm down. You seen Maidel is alive. That's all that matters right now." Justin slammed his fist against the wall. "He will pay for this. He is going to die."

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in forever! But I promise to update more because school is out! I don't have a set update schedule but I will try to update every two weeks or less. Comment what you think of the chapter and tell me your favorite part! Don't forget to vote!

Also, my birthday is in 3 days! I will be 16!?!?!? But thank you all so much for sticking with me and enjoy your summer!

Thanks babes <3

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