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***3 months later***

Maidel walked outside her front porch and breathed in the fresh summer air. She started walking towards the woods, with her notebook and pencil bag in her hands. Sitting in her usual spot, Maidel pulled out a pencil and her hand started to flow against the page.

She was in her own little world, listening to the chirping of the birds and the wind blowing all around her. She heard shuffling in the distance ahead. Peeping on the top of the bush, Maidel seen the familiar hair of the one and only Justin. She slowly put her notebook down and got up walking to the bush. "Ow Damon. You stepped on my hand!" Justin said a little too loudly. "Shhhh". Damon shot at Justin. "She is gonna hear you". Suddenly Maidel got the best idea. She walked around the bush but where the boys couldn't see her. "I don't see her. Where did she go?" Justin whispered. "BOO!" Maidel yelled in the boys ear. They jumped and grabbed their chests. "Jeez Maidel. Trying to give a guy a heart attack." Damon said trying to catch his breath.

Maidel smirked and went back to the bench and continued to draw. Justin sat beside her and watched her hand fly across the page with the littlest touch and her face was so focused. It was like she was in another world. He snapped out of his thoughts. "You like it?" She asked Justin holding it up(picture above). His eyes scanned the paper and looked back and Maidel and smiled. "It's amazing. Just like you." He kissed her cheek and her face grew red. "Stop being so mushy Justin." She said trying to be serious. But Justin knew she loved it. They walked back to her house hand and hand with Damon trailing beside. The excited Damon raced inside and turned on Netflix. "Criminal minds marathon. We need popcorn, pillows, blankets, candy, and pop. But lots and lots of Pepsi."

After they got what they needed. They all sat on the floor with pillows and blankets all around. Damon pressed play and for 5 hours they watched Criminal minds. Laughing and forgetting all the bad things that happened. Maidel suddenly woke up, not realizing she had drifted to sleep. She felt around and the two spots were empty. Maidel sat up and grabbed her phone. There was a text from Justin.

J- Hey beautiful. You fell asleep so me and Damon let you rest and we left. Be ready tonight at 7 pm. I have a surprise. Dress nice :)

He was so cute, Maidel thought. She smiled at looked at the time. It was 5:37. She had time to get ready. She ran to her closet to pick out something to wear. She decided on a dark blue dress that hugged every inch perfect. Bringing her clothes into the bathroom, Maidel stripped down and got into the shower. Opening the door, she stepped on the cold floor making her shiver. After brushing her teeth and straightening her hair, Maidel starts on her usual makeup which is foundation, blush, eyeliner and tops it off with some mascara. She slipped on her dress and went to her closet to find some black flats to match. It was 6:46 so Maidel decided to make a few musical.lys to pass time.

Soon 7 rolled around and Maidel heard a knock on the door. She opened the door and there was a driver with a dozen roses in his hands. "Mr.Justin told me to give these to you. Please follow me Miss." She looks behind the man and sees a giant white limo. "Oh my goodness." She whispers. He leads her to the limo and opens the door. Inside was the one and only handsome Justin. He was wearing a white suit with a silky white bowtie. His soft brown hair stood up perfect and those dreamy eyes that could make the world stop with a glance. He glanced up from his phone and his jaw dropped. After getting in the car, Justin slides over to Maidel. "You look beautiful Maidel. How did i get so lucky to have the best girlfriend in the world?" She blushes and looks away.

"So where we going?" Maidel asks breaking the silence. Justin looks at her and smiles. He grabs her hand and gives it a squeeze. She scooted over next to him and laid her head on his chest. The rest of the car ride was silent except for the sound of his heartbeat filling Maidel's ear.

After a while, the car came to a stop. Just grabbed a cloth from his white suit and it was a blindfold. "Here, let me put this on so you won't peek." Maidel smiled and let Justin put the cloth around her eyes and gently tying it behind her head. They stepped out of the car and onto the hard ground. Justin paid the driver and sent him off. He led Maidel to her surprise. Her heart was pounding, sounding like a herd of elephants.

They reached the spot and Maidel heard the faint of waves crashing. "Justin where are we?" She asked trying to remove the piece of cloth. He chuckled. "You will see in a few minutes beautiful. Don't ruin the surprise." After a few more moments, he slipped off the blindfold and stepped back. Maidel opened her eyes and her hands immediately cover her mouth.

They were at the beach and the sun was about to set. There was a path leading to a table with dinner and candles and flower petals. Maidel started walking towards the sand, taking of her shoes and lifting up her dress. She seen a flash of light and turned around. Justin was holding up his phone smiling at her. "Did you just take a picture of me?" Her face plastered with a smirk. He laughed and shrugged. "Maybe. Come here." She walks up to him and he holds up the phone taking a picture of them smiling while looking at each other. She kisses his lips softly, but filled with tons of love and passion. They rest their foreheads on each others for a few moments. "Come on, let's have dinner." Justin says taking his girls hand, leading her to the table set up for two.

During dinner, they watched the sun set and ate while sharing stories and memories and laughing. After dinner they sat on the sand, hand in hand, listening to the crashing of the waves. It was perfect. Everything was going back to normal. The silence of her thoughts were interrupted by a ringing noise. Justin answered his phone. "I will tell her thank you. Bye." His eyes started filling with tears. "Justin what's wrong baby?" She asked rubbing his hand. "Your parents need to tell you something important. We gotta go."

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I have had writers block and I would delete everything I had and start all over. But I finally finished this chapter!
I hope you all are having a great summer and good luck when school starts! I will try to update more but its going to be hard because of school.
Don't forget to vote!
Also credit to Maidel who drew the picture. Isn't she amazing?

Thanks babes <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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