Hide and cheat?

491 14 22

Maidel walked from her house to the Blake boys house with her friends Valaree and Nayeli. They reached the front door and was greated by a very excited Justin. "Why are you so jumpy and excited Justin?" Nayeli giggled. He looked over at Maidel and smiled. He glanced at her hand and seen she was wearing the promise ring he gave her. "Come on in ladies." He motioned for them to come in. Danny was in the kitchen trying to make cookies. Valaree walks over to help him and Nayeli goes and sees Icky and starts playing with her.

Maidel sees Justin blushing like crazy. "What are you blushing for dork?" She smiles while poking at his cheek. "I'm happy your wearing the promise ring i gave you. That's all." They leaned in and gave a small peck on the lips. Danny screams which makes everyone look at his direction. He was holding his hand with a rag. "Sorry i got burned." A tear sheds from his eye. "I got you. Come on lets go upstairs and bandage it up." Valaree says heading upstairs with Danny following behind her. "Hey is Damon here Justin?" Nayeli asks. "Upstairs in his room." She gets up and runs up the stairs, leaving Maidel and Justin alone.

They sit on the couch and cuddle while watching High School Musical. Justin was singing along making Maidel giggle the whole time. He took out his phone and it looked like he was trying to take a picture of them cuddling. "It make me mad how-" she notices the camera and poses for the picture. It takes a minute for her to realize what he is doing. She sees he is recording her. "Oooooohh! Its a video!" Justin's face turns red with laughter. He turns towards her and cups her face in hands and slowly kisses her. "I love you baby girl." Maidel's body shutters as she starts to smile big.

Valaree and Danny come back downstairs. "Awh is poor Danny okay?" Justin says in a baby voice. "Shut up Justin. I'm God. And God is always okay. Except for then." Maidel and Valaree look at each other and laugh. They sit down and watch the movie with Justin and Maidel. 30 minutes later they hear a "Damn you!" Coming from up stairs. Damon starts running down the stairs, with a pouty look. "Nayeli beat me in Mario. She made me fall off a cliff." He turned around and gave her a stink look. Valaree gets up and hands him a cookie that her and Danny made. "Here. Quit pouting." He eats the cookie and him and Nayeli sit and finish the movie with everyone.

After the movie Danny shouts "HIDE AND SEEK!!! NOT IT!" Valaree, Damon, Maidel and Nayeli all yell "Not it" to the top of their lungs. "Ugh not fair. I wasn't ready." Justin said crossing his arms. Damon stuck his tongue out at him. "Your it hahahaha! Everyone go hide! And were playing in the dark so good luck!" Everyone takes off and Justin flips the lights off.

He counts to 30 and starts looking around. He checks the living room. Nobody. Valaree was hiding behind the dinning room table. She seen Justin run into the wall. "Oh dammit." She lets out a giggle and quickly covers her mouth. Justin smiles. "I found you. I knew you were over here." He makes his way over to her and grabs her hands. He pulls her close and kisses her. Valaree pulls back. "J-Justin." The lights turn on and he looks at her and kisses her again. "Justin stop! You have a girl friend! Which is my best friend!" She slaps him across the face. Tears were streaming down her face. "What was that for?" He yells, grabbing his face. "What is going on?" Maidel and the rest walk into the kitchen and see Justin holding his face. Maidel's face gets red. "What did you do to him!" Valaree backs away, heading towards the door. "Hhh- he....kissed me!" She grabs the handle of the door and runs out. "I got her." Nayeli runs after her. Danny follows. "How could you Justin! I thought you said you would never hurt me?" He rolls his eyes. "Don't think your so innocent little Mrs. I DATED YOUR BEST FRIEND!" Maidel starts crying. "YOU KISSED MINE! YOU CHEATED ON ME!" She kicks him in the shin and runs out.

"What have i done? I love Maidel. So much. What am i gonna do Damon? I messed up." He hung his head down low. Justin ran his hands through his hair. Damon puts his arm around Justin. "Hey calm down. We all make mistakes." Justin stars crying. "She will never forgive me." Damon whispers "neither will you" under his breath. Justin looks at him funny. He pulls away from Damon. "What did you say?" He clenches up his fists. Damon slowly backs away. "Justin calm down. Look i know you love Maidel. And i...i do too. But more then a friend. I'm sorry okay." Danny opens the door and sees Justin about to tackle Damon. He jumps and grabs Justin and pulls him back. "Justin stop! He didn't do anything!" Justin spats back at him. "HE LOVES MAIDEL DANNY!" Danny shoots a glance at Damon. "You do?" Damon grabs the back of his neck. "Ye-uh yeah. I do"


That was a big twist right? Tell me what you think! I would love hear all of your guys opinions!
Tell me who you ship more. Daidel or Jaidel???

Also thanks for almost 500 reads! You guys are amazing! I love you all so much!

Thanks babes <3 i will try to update every weekend!

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