
7.1K 201 189

I was tagged by -kookiemonstae so yah~~

Do you love someone?
- No, I don't love anyone.

Do they like you back?
- That be a good joke xD. None of the crushes I've had, as far as I know, have never liked me.

Your middle name?
- Heidi Lovise is my first name, though I always thought Lovise was my middle name.

Single or taken?
- Single

Last person you texted?
- One of my best friends

Last song you listened to?
- Thunder //: Exo-M

- 90%

Girl BFF?
- Some girls from my class

Guy BFF?
- I don't know tbh

Fav OTP?
- Yoonmin, I guess.

Why did you create wattpad?
- It's about four or five years since I made my first wattpad account. I made it because I loved reading english books and it was a lot more accessible. And I littarly hated reading Norwegian.

Current lockscreen?
- In the caption thingy above..

- 30th of October, 2000

Fav school subject?
- English

Fav drink?
- Bubble Tea.. omg

Fav food?
- Sushi and Korean noodles with Kimchi ♡.♡

Last thing you bought?
- Pringles Original

Fav book?
- The manga series Servamp!!

Fav colour?
- Black.. or a creamy beige

Any pets?
- I used to have cats but I'm allergic now, though I do want a little puppy.

Fav perfume?
- I'm allergic to some perfumes but I really like this Puma perfume I have, which I don't react to.

Fav holiday?
- Somewhere warmer than here and with less snow..

Are you married?
- 아니요.. Nope

Been out of the country?
- Yes. I've been to Kiel in Germany, New York and Sweden.

Speak another language?
- I can somewhat/fully speak English (with different accents), Norwegian, Swedish, Deutsch (German), Korean (still kind of on the learning stage), some phrases in Japanese and a couple of words in Chinese, French, Spanish and Polish.

How many siblings?
- One older stepbrother, three younger brothers, a deceased sister :( and getting a sister next month-ish.

Fav store?
- Shops that import food from Asia!!

Last time you cried?
- I can't remember.. tbh I don't like crying and so I haven't cried in a long time

Fav blog?
- I don't really know any blogs

Fav movie?
- The Chosen (featuring Kian Lawley)

Fav show?
- Currently digging these kdramas; Remember, Moorim School and Falling for Challenge (the one with Xiumin)

Pc or Mac?
- I honestly don't understand Mac so Pc for sure

Can you cook?
- Yes, I can cook, and bake.

#tags :












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