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Hoseok sat down beside Jimin with Namjoon next to him. They looked eachother with small smiles upon their lips.

" I told you this morning, don't call me that! " Hoseok exclaimed with a smile as he ruffled up my hair with his hand.

He sat back down and grabbed his backpack and bringing out his lunchbox that his eomma had prepared specially for him this morning.

" Did she send you horse food or something? " I asked him as his face lit up when he opened his lunchbox.

He looked up at me and glared before turning back to his lunchbox with a grin.

" How's the sexy brain doing? " Jimin asked Namjoon as he leant onto his elbows, which where nicely planted onto the edge of the tabled.

" Still pondering over the meaning of life Nam Nam? " I asked him and giggled.

" Shimi, that'll always be a subject of pondering. But right now I'm letting my digestive system digest the food I ate a little while ago, " Namjoon told us and smiled sarcastically at the two of us.

I laughed silently before taking a bite off of the sandwich I ordered earlier on. Jungkook turned a bit away from the rest and towards his girlfriend Yooni and started whispering into her ear.

I turned toward the two and chuckled, this making the two of them whip their heads towards me. They both looked slightly scared.

" If you wanna go, you're welcome to do so. And please don't act so jumpy, it's weird, " I told the two before turning back to my food. " Specially for you Jungkook. "

" Ah, nae. " Yooni replied and turned towards Jungkook while hinting for their leave.

Jungkook stood up slightly hesitantly before telling us all goodbye and walking with Yooni out of the café.

" Couples, these days they can be so annoying. " Jimin exclaimed and sighed before digging into another piece of his dish.

I felt slightly awkward as his words sank in. In other words I concluded that I definitely not have a chance with Jimin. Not one bit.

" Why the dark expression? " Hoseok asked me with raised eyebrows.

I looked at him, surprised. " What? What dark expression? " Taken off guard I tried to avoid the question smoothly.


" We can talk about it later. " Hoseok to me reassuringly before turning back towards his lunchbox with enthusiasm.

" Nae. " I replied and bit into my own food.

" Talk about what? " Jimin asked with a cute curious expression plastered onto his face.

At that moment I really fought against the urge to pinch his slightly chubby cheeks, he was just being to adorable.

" Nothing serious. " I told him and smiled widely.

" Ah, okay. " Jimin replied slowly before taking a final big bite off of his sandwich.

" There's a party this weekend, at Henry's. You guys should probably come. " Namjoon said and pointed at Jimin and myself.

" Yeah, wanna be my date there Shimi? " Jimin exclaimed and turned towards me with his toothy grin on display.

I couldn't say no to a chance like this, he was littarly asking me on a date. I smiled widely and looked at him. " Yeah, I'd love to. " I told him and felt my ears become a little hot.

" Give me your number and you can text me your address so I can pick you up. " Jimin told me slowly.

" Yeah, when did you say it was again Namjoon? " I asked, curious of the time the party would start.

" This weekend, on Saturday.. " I interrupted him.

" What time? " I asked him, now making it more obvious that it was the time I was talking about.

" Around 9 pm. "

kamsahabnida for 2k reads. you do not know how happy and thankful i am~ sorry for the long wait..

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#itwillmakeyourjamometerrecharge ;))

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