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Kanan's POV

It was a while before Ezra showed up. When he did, he had shadows under his eyes and he winced slightly ever time he took a step.

"You're late," I said, folding my arms.

"Sorry. I was sleeping," Ezra told me.

"I was thinking that today we work on some hand to hand combat," I suggested. An emotion flashed across Ezra's face, but it was gone before I could really know if I had seen it.

"Do we have to?" Ezra asked.

"You can't always rely on having your lightsaber on hand," I pointed out.

"But when I don't, I can always just run."

"We're doing hand to hand combat today. You're not wiggling out of this."

"I very much agree," said a cold voice. The Inquisitor. I heard a blaster shoot and Ezra cried out in pain, falling to the ground. The Inquisitor was standing on a nearby rock with eight stormtroopers around him.

"I'm afraid I'll have to disagree," I told the Inquisitor. I grabbed Ezra and ran for the Ghost.

"Take off!" I yelled as soon as we were inside. The doors closed and I could feel the ship lifting off. I could hear the battle below us, but moments later we were safely away.

"What happened to the kid?" Sabine asked, running into the room. Zeb was right on her tail.

"A stormtrooper got him," I explained, setting Ezra down on the floor.

"Twice?" Sabine asked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. She pointed to two circles of blood. One was on Ezra's side. The other was by his shoulder blades.

"I only heard one shot," I said thoughtfully.

"What happened out there?" Hera asked, entering the room.

"The Inquisitor ambushed us. They managed to hit Ezra," I explained.

"We'll need to take off his jacket if we want to be able to properly see the wounds," Sabine pointed out. I hesitated for a moment before pulling off Ezra's jacket. As I did, I saw two large black feathery forms.

"Ezra really does have wings," Sabine said softly.

"They're beautiful," Hera agreed. But I wasn't thinking about how Ezra's wings looked. Suddenly, I knew why he was so powerful in the force.

Ezra was a Diathim.

Diathim were humanoids from one of the moons of Lego. They were more commonly known as the angels of the Galaxy. They were sentient beings that usually glowed white and had large wings, and males were very rare. Sure, Ezra didn't exactly glow white, and he didn't have large white wings, and he wasn't three meters tall, and of course there was the whole deal about him being a male, yet I was sure of what he was. He must be part human, unless male Diathim usually looked like this. Diathim were also creatures of the force, which would explain Ezra's high midichlorian count.

But I could worry about that later. At the moment, Ezra was dying.

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