Chapter 4

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Two chapters in one day holy shit I am on a roll. I hope you like this chapter I worked really hard on it ah. ily bye.
DISCLAIMER: I've added Sam Pepper to this story before all of the bullshit he's pulled, even though he plays a small part, it's still upsetting to me that I've let someone like that be part of this story no matter how little of a part it is. My apologies.

Stalk me on social media?

Instagram: Baylee.Dunn
Twitter: @Baylxx
Tumblr: Baylxx
Snapchat: Bayleed123

I woke up at around 10:30 and shuffled over to my suitcase grabbing a checkered, black and white button-up shirt and rolled up the sleeves to my elbow so I wouldn’t be too hot, I rubbed my eyes and yawned pulling up some dark shorts with a couple of rips in them. I walked over to the bathroom and splashed my face with water, my curly blonde hair dangling in my face. I sighed and put my hair up in a messy pony tail, I didn’t really feel the need to do anything with it due to the fact I’m just shopping with Cat. I walked out of the bathroom and put on my black VANS. I grabbed my phone off the table next to the messy hotel bed and changed the case from a zigzagged one to a Vans logo one and slipped it into my back pocket along with my ratty black wallet.

I contemplated bringing my Penny Board with me but decided against it because it would probably get us kicked out of whatever mall or store we were going to.

A faint knock sound came from my door and I opened it smiling.

“Hey Cat, let’s go.” I smiled and walked out into the hallway with her.

“Want to get breakfast first, I’m starving.” She rubbed her tummy emphasizing her hunger.

Just that second my stomach decided to rumble, “I’ll take that as a yes,” Cat laughed.

We both hopped into Cat’s rental car and I plugged in my phone to the speakers and pressed shuffle. Shake Tramp by Marianas Trench filled the car, I looked over at Cat and smirked at her, she laughed and turned up the speakers rolling down the windows, we yelled the lyrics earning us glares from passing cars.

We found ourselves at a little bakery at the mall we were at where I was currently devouring a chocolate chip muffin.

“So, which one of the boys are you making babies with?” Cat asked biting into her bagel.

I started choking on my muffin and Cat just sat there with her legs with a small smirk on her face.

“Cat!” I scold after taking a drink of orange juice.

“Sorry,” she giggled.

“No you’re not,” I scoffed looking at the huge grin on her face. “And for the record, neither, thank you very much,” I took another bite of my muffin.

“Okay,” She said sarcastically.

“Wouldn’t that like make them pedophiles or something anyway?” I asked.

“Actually, you have to be 16 in England, guess who just turned 16.” She pinched my cheek and scrunched her nose at me.

“Okay, we’re done with this conversation.” I got up and threw away my muffin wrapper.

“So where to first?” I looked at my older cousin.

“I saw a shop with dresses in the window, we’ll start there.” She said and began walking in that direction.

“Ugh, I have to wear a dress?” I asked with a disgusted look on my face.

“Yep, and I won’t take anything less.”

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