Chapter 14

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“Can you sing for us?” I read from the chat, I let out a laugh, “All of you guys know I can’t sing.” I shook my head, “I will play guitar for you though, one sec.” I hopped off my bed quickly and grabbed my dark wood guitar. “What should I play?” I strummed randomly while reading the dozens of songs being written into the chat.

“Oh, that’s a good one.” I straighten out the guitar on my lap and start strumming the right chords, “First person to guess the song gets 25 Baylee liveshow points.” I scanned the chat for the right song.

“Yes! Emily L. Gets all the awards! It was The Girl by City and Colour.”

I bit my lip and scanned the chat still strumming random chords and humming.

“Where’s Dan and Phil asked Sarah W.” I looked out the open door or my bedroom. “I don’t know, I yelled at them to be quiet before I started this so they’re probably hiding somewhere.” The chat exploded with things such as:

Who are they?

Get Phil and Dan!!!!!


“Shall I go get them?” I asked raising an eyebrow, “I’ll just text them.” I grabbed my phone and sent a message to Dan and Phil and locked my phone.

 “Okay, who wants another song?” I asked, the chat exploded again with requests. “I hate this town, it’s so washed up,” I began to say the lyrics, “And all my friends don’t give a f-“ I looked over and Phil was walking into the room, I stopped playing, “don’t give a frick, my friends don’t give a frick.” I glanced at Phil and he rolled his eyes. “Thank you for joining us Philip.” I smiled at him.

“Hey guys!” Phil smiled at the webcam. “For those of you who don’t know who I am, I’m AmazingPhil on YouTube.”

“How dare you promote yourself on my liveshow!” I scolded him, “I’m BayleeNeedsToStop on YouTube by the way.” I winked at the camera.

“Hey, hey, hey.” Dan jumped on the bed beside me.

“Well now the whole gang his here, what should we do?” I asked.

“What have you already talked about?” Dan asked.

“I’ve shown them my tattoo, I’ve played them guitar, I told them how messy the bathroom is.” I listed things.

“What about your radio show?” Phil asked.

“Oh yeah!” I clapped my hands. “So the whole reason I moved to London, is because I got offered a radio show on BBC radio 1 on Mondays from 6 to 8, it’ll be on camera so you should tune in and watch, I’ll tweet the link before I go live.”

We went on for about 30 more minutes, answering questions, avoiding Daylee, Phan, and the occasional Philee comments, until my hour was up. I snapped my laptop shut and fell backwards onto my bed with a grunt. “Those things are always really awkward and tiring.” I covered my face with my hands.

“They’re fun too though, your fans are hilarious. You should join me tomorrow for mine.” Phil leaned back next to me.

“I suppose,” I sighed, and we were thrown into an awkward silence that was inturupted by my growling belly. “I’m starving, what do we have to eat?”

We all wandered out of my room and into the kitchen, where the fridge and cupboards were virtually empty.

“Hey Dan, when did you order the Tesco?” Phil asked opening random cabinets and searching for something to eat.

“I thought you ordered it?” Dan looked at him quizzically.

 They looked at each other and face palmed.

I Promise, I'm Not a Stalker.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora