Chapter 13

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This is a pretty long chapter but a lot of stuff happens um, I hope you enjoy, I got a new cover, so that's exciting... kinda..... yeah? anway, enjoy :D

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Instagram: Baylee.Dunn
Twitter: @Baylxx
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Snapchat: Bayleed123

I threw on a gray shirt that said “Not Photo Shopped” and light Polk-a-dot skinny jeans, I straightened my hair and did all that girly get ready stuff.

“Ready?” Phil asked me, as I came out of my room holding a bunch of papers.

“Yeah, does Dan want to go?” I asked, I shuffled through the papers making sure I had them all.

“Dan! You want to go with us!?” Phil yelled to Dan.

“Where?” he came out of the kitchen.

“School.” I walked over to the kitchen counter and grabbed an apple off it, biting a small chunk out of the crisp red fruit.

“Sure, I have nothing better to do.” He shrugged and slipped on his shoes that were lazily kicked off by the door.

“Okay then, let’s go.” I opened the door and jogged down the stairs biting into my apple again.

We made it outside, it was cloudy and cold, I’m really regretting not wearing a sweatshirt or something. I chucked my apple into a sidewalk bin and caught up with Dan and Phil who kept moving. We were all silent but, it was a nice. I was still a bit jet lagged, the tiredness I’m sure was evident. I took out my phone and plugged in my head phones tucking them under the grey beanie I had worn over my blonde hair. I made sure to keep one head phone out just in case one of them tried to talk to me

“Oh yes… my old enemy… school.” Dan glares at the building.

“Tell me about it, but the sooner I go, the sooner I get over it.” We walked up the steps.

Students shuffled around the green school yard, some shooting us curious glances. Dan opened one of the large doors for Phil and me to enter. The front office was right in front of us and what seemed to be the common area and cafeteria, the hallway was virtually empty, most likely everyone was in the middle of class.

“Come on, let’s go.” Phil guided us to the door of the office, we were then greeted by an older looking secretary with grey hair and some glasses that rested on the bridge of her nose.

“Hello, how may I help you?” The lady smiled at us kindly rolling away from the computer she was previously typing at.

“Uh, I called earlier we need to register her for school.” He pointed at me and I waved.

“Oh yes, Phil was it? I remember speaking to you on the phone.” She got up and walked around behind her desk collecting papers. “Now, I just need you to fill this out, and when you give this back we need your all the documents listed.”

I leaned over the desk quickly filling out the papers, listing my birthday, medical conditions, etc.

I gave her all the papers back and she flipped through them typing some things into the computer. She pulled another paper out of the desk and handed it to me.

“Choose five courses from the left side, under the Sophomore side.” She instructed.

I walked back over and plopped myself next to Dan and Phil on the couch.

“What should I take?” I looked at them and knitted my eyebrows together.

“Uh, maybe something to do with film?” Dan suggested.

I Promise, I'm Not a Stalker.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat