Chapter 29

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A/N: Hello yes, thank you for being patient with me and writing this, I know I take forever to update (/.\) sorry. Thanks for sticking with it though <3 Remember to vote and follow me and stuff bc then I'll update faster. Anyway, here it is, the long awaited Chapter 29.

*WARNING* it gets a lil frisky towards the end, no actual sex though. 

Shameful self promo:

Instagram: Baylee.Dunn
Twitter: @Baylxx
Tumblr: Baylxx
Snapchat: Bayleed123

“Dan!” I laughed as he pulled me through the streets, “Isn’t it a little late for this?” My legs were numb from the cool summer air but the sidewalks were virtually clear of all activity, London was unusually quiet and the sky was still clear and calm.

“Nope, it’s the perfect time to do this, I don’t know why I didn’t think of this place earlier.” He turned around and smiled at me, “I think you’ll love it.”

So we continued at a slightly fast pace, well for me anyway considering I have to take 3 steps for 1 of his long strides. After tripping over myself for almost 10 minutes he stopped in front of an alleyway that was lit from a couple of doorways from the buildings that formed it.

I glanced into the alley and back to Dan suspiciously.

“You’re not going to murder me in there are you?” I asked

“As much as I want to sometimes I would never, but go on.” He pushed me along into the poorly lit alleyway but as I got deeper inside of it I began to notice.

There were colors splattered all along the bricks forming pictures and words and quotes, even some advertisment.

“What is this.” I asked staring at all the amazingly done spray paint art.

“It’s called Freak Alley.” Dan laughed as I grinned and looked around like a kid in a candy store. “I think it’s cooler at night,” He shrugged stuffing his hands in his pockets.

I kicked a cinder block from the side of the building over to where Dan was standing and stood on it giving him a small peck on the cheek, “It’s perfect.”

“I told you it’d be worth it.”

He was right, although he probably should have thought this through, because I’m totally ignoring him and running ahead to look at all the art. Once we got halfway through the alley there was a large opening, which led to what looked like a parking lot, the walls were a little more bare, but still nearly covered. Someone was shaking a spray paint can someone, the distinct sound of the can and the marble inside to mix the paint. They weren’t visible, probably painting in the corner or in a shadow somewhere. I sat down in the dirt parking lot and stared at the wall in front of me. I really started to look at all of it, some of it was funny and quirky and others were beautiful and moving.

“This is my new favorite place.” I announced to him, rocks jabbing into the soft delicate skin on the back of my legs.

“I knew you would like it.” Dan said smugly.

I put my head on his shoulder to rest it, my eyes getting droopy, “Maybe this can be our place.” I glanced up at him, “You know, if you want to be one of those really annoying couples that have a thing for everything.”

“I would love to be one of those annoying couples with you.”

“Good, because I wouldn’t settle for anything less.”

I Promise, I'm Not a Stalker.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora