Chapter 24

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Hey hello author's note really quick, so I posted the prologue of the story I'm going to be working on after I finish this one (considering there's only a few more chapters I know cry) and it would really mean a lot if you guys went and checked that out because that story actually has a plot line instead of whatever  this mess is oh my god.  So yes that is all for this sorry this chapter is short I just didn't know how to end it have a nice day ily thank you for reading <3

Shameful self promo:

Instagram: Baylee.Dunn
Twitter: @Baylxx
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Snapchat: Bayleed123


The door clicked open and I let out a sigh, whether it was from relief or something else I don't know, all I know is I was tired and I didn't feel like climbing up anymore stairs. I sat down where I was and just laid there, closing my eyes and putting my head in my arms. The carpet was scratchy on my face but it was oddly comfortable in my position, curled up in a ball.

"Oh god what are you doing in the existential crisis hallway?" Dan inquired.

"Tired." I mumbled, eyes droopy.

"Come on, let's go to the lounge, we can watch a movie or something while we fall asleep." He squatted down to my level and began to pick me up, "the couch is way more comfy than the floor." he pointed out. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"I forgot how exhausting they can be," I yawned into his ear.

"I know," He mumbled back while walking into the lounge, "parents can be like that, wait until you meet my family." I could almost hear the smile in his voice.

"Are they nice?" I mumbled into his shoulder.

"Yes, they're very nice." We got to the lounge and Phil was already there sitting with his Mac.

Dan sat down and I scooted off his lap on laid, feet over Phil's lap, head on Dan's. I hope my parents saw that I could do this, living by myself, well, not necessarily by myself but without them. I'm fine, I make my own dentist appointments, I did my homework, I got to work on time without them reminding me, well most of the time anyway. I pay rent, go grocery shopping. I hope I'm the person my dad can bring up at meetings now, say things like "Oh, well my daughter is a radio host" or something like that and people will ask him about me and he can just smile and shoo them away.

He was acting strange today, no scowling at my jokes, maybe he's finally come around. As much as I want that to be true, it's probably not, he despised everything I did. How could he just magically come around like that? No. He didn't. People just don't change like that. It's probably mind tricks, messing with my mind to make me feel confident and comfortable around him. I don't think he could possibly be that manipulative, I'm probably over analyzing this. It could be as simple as him not wanting to look like a bad father to Dan and Phil.

I felt bad for Dan. I mean, I love him as much as I love Phil, and god knows I trust him, but I can't bring myself to tell him what Phil already knows. I really just don't want him to think less of me, I've built up this image, of a confident, witty, sarcastic bitch but if he knows, that whole image gets flushed down the drain. I don't want him to see me for the weak person that I am. How do you even bring that into a conversation? "Oh hey by the way I used to be depressed, suicidal mess haha do you want anything from the shop?" No.

I mean, I guess he doesn't need to know, that part of my life is over, yeah it comes back every once and a while when I have my "Sad Days" but I don't plan on it being as bad as it was. I really don't plan on it coming back at all. The dark marks that it left have faded away almost completely.

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