Chapter 34

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Yay for shitty filler chapters woo, sorry this chapter is so shitty but hey look at me! Two chapters in the same week! I'm proud of myself. I hope you enjoy, remember comments make me super super happy and votes get you faster chapters <3 ily guys thank you for reading you guys make it worth it.

Shameful self promo:

Instagram: Baylee.Dunn
Twitter: @Baylxx
Tumblr: Baylxx
Snapchat: Bayleed123

“What are your guises seats, maybe we got sat next to each other,” Louise showed us her ticket, unfortunately we were placed a few rows behind them.

“Aw, what a shame, the flight definitely would’ve gone by faster with you lot.” She put the ticket back in her bag.

“Come on guys they called our flight, we have to get to the gate.” Zoe chimed in, surprisingly peppy for this time of day.

I let out a groan along with most of the group at the thought of being stuck in an airplane for around ten hours. Dan finished off his muffin and drink and tossed them in the bin behind him. I got up and took my backpack the I had hung on the back of the chair. I then grabbed my drink that I still have about half of, and at this point everyone was beginning to walk away. I quickly gathered my things and started to catch up with them but, of course, my shoelace had come untucked, and I stepped on it, causing me and all my stuff, ungracefully crash onto the floor face first. But, not before I could yell out a “fuck” causing everyone around us to look at me. My drink had spilled everywhere on the white tile floor and my stuff was spread out around me, I silently thanked god that I checked my guitar or else right now it would be broken into a thousand pieced.

I heard the laughter that was unmistakably Dan’s, I looked up at him taking a picture of me, undoubtedly for twitter showing everyone Phil won the bet. I put my head back on the floor and blindly reached for my backpack which I then pulled my wallet out of, yanking a 5£ note from it, I threw it towards Phil’s direction, it didn’t go far, but he knew and picked it up with a smirk.

Everyone was laughing at this point. I sat up and looked around at all my stuff with a pout, hopefully my camera and laptop were okay.

“Did any of you get that on camera?” I asked, realizing what a funny situation it really was.

Zoe held up her camera, “I got it!” She announced.

“Good, now let’s go before someone comes and sees the coffee mess.” I gathered all my things and we hurried off quickly to the plane, once we got on and got situated, me at the window, Phil in the aisle and Dan in the middle. I buckled up and put my bag under the seat in front of me. I looked down at my hands which were only slightly skinned up by the hard tile floor, Dan reached over and grabbed my wrist, examining the palm of my hand a bit and then kissed the part that was hurt. I kissed his cheek in return as a silent thank you.

After the whole safety speech and take off, everyone collectively got out their electronic devices and headphones. I joined the movement and grabbed my bag, unzipping it and taking out the mac that had survived my crash.

God, that was so embarrassing, I got coffee everywhere. This whole 24 hours has been one big embarrassment, the fall, the phan tag thing, telling Dan to collaborate with my vagina. God, I feel so stupid the more and more I think about it.

I set down my tray table and set the laptop with the large YouTube logo sticker on it, onto the small tray table deciding to try to make a script for a video or even come up with an idea deciding that if I ended up not vlogging enough, this would be my plan B. Maybe this will take my mind off of how big of an idiot I am.

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