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Being in Beacon Hills never was easy. Things never went smoothly for Scott and I. Ever since our parents got divorced, mom has always been working. You see, she is a nurse at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital. She picked up several extra shifts just to pay for food. We bearly ever see mom for longer than ten minutes a day. Scott is my twin. But we don't act the same like some people think twins do. Scott listens to pop songs. I however am Punk Rock.

I have jet black hair and bright green eyes. I always wear black clothes. My t-shirts have bands names and logos on them. Scott has always been the more popular one of the two of us. I have always been the weird emo twin of the great Scott McCall. I'm kind of used to it now. 

Now that we are sophomores, I feel like its time to take charge. We will have to see what happens this year. Oh, before I go, I forgot to tell you who I am. I'm Sierra McCall.

Alpha, Beta,Omega (Derek Hale)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن