Chapter Fifteen

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I clawed at Derek. I nicked his arm. " Sierra! Stop this! This is not you! Try to calm down. Think about your anchor."  derek said while putting his hands on my shoulder to hold me back from ripping his throat out. Scott stood behind derek.

"Derek how do we calm her down? One slip up and she could go on a killing rampage. Derek what do we do?" Scott said while trying to hold down my hands where my claws were fully extended."

I growled. I felt a surge of power and I threw Scott and Derek off of me. Once I was free I ran out the door of the Animal Shelter and into the back woods.

"Sierra! Come back!" Scott yelled.

"Scott. wait here, I got this." derek said. He took off running into the woods following Sierra.  Derek kicked up the speed catching up to Sierra. Derek was starting to see Sierras form in the dark. He finally caught up to her. he was running about a foot behind her. Before he could reach out to grab her a gun shot rang out.

The pain flew through my body. " Sierra!" Derek yelled. I dropped to the ground. I put a hand to my stomach. I felt something warm. I pulled my hand back. It was blood. 

" Derek..." I coughed. I felt something drop down next to me. 

"Sierra! Hold on. we have to stop the bleeding. once we stop the bleeding the wound will heal. Just hold on"

The pain just became to much and I passed out.

Alpha, Beta,Omega (Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now