Chapter Eleven

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" What the hell are you talking about?" I said with my voice slightly raised.

" Sierra, I need you to listen to me." Scott said while sitting down next to me. 

 " That night that we were playing FIFA, and we heard a noise outside and I left and then you were attacked, that thing. It wasn't a thing. It was a werewolf. The alpha to be exact. The leader of all the werewolf. All of his powers are two times as strong as all the others. He's the most dangerous too. When Stiles got caught by his dad , I was left behind so I walked back to the main road when i needed to take a breathe from my inhaler. Once I did, I heard a growling noise coming from about 100 feet to my left. I looked up and there was a big black mass with red eyes. i dropped my inhaler and ran. He bit me. and now here I am with supernatural powers."

Scott looked down at me. " that night when I came home, it was the exact same guy. the alpha bit you. You are a werewolf sis. and we are going to get through this together."  Scott hugged me.

Derek coughed to get our attention.

"Can I talk to Sierra alone for a minute please?"

Scott and Stiles looked at each other and then they both nodded.

When they left Derek turned towards me.

"We need to talk."

Alpha, Beta,Omega (Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now