Chapter Seven

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" I cannot believe that you cried while watching  movie Scott! Your supposed to be a man. A man does not cry." Stiles lectured to Scott as we walked through the halls of school.

"What's this about you crying? Has Scott finally realized that he is gay? Finally!" a voice said from behind us.

I turned around There walking towards us was Jackson.

" Jackson, just because you are captain of the lacrosse team doesn't mean that you are a well liked person." I said.

" And we all know that your head is shoved way to far up your ass to realize that." Stiles said as we rounded the corner.

" Hey!" Lydia shouted while slapping Tiles upside the head. " Thats my boyfriend your talking about."

"What ever Lydia." Stiles said.

As we continued to walk, I noticed that Allison was no where to be seen.

"Hey. Has anyone seen Allison?"

Scotts head immediately shot up.  I knew it. Scott likes Allison! This is new. Scott has never liked any girls much before. At first I thought that he was gay, but don't ask how I know that he is not.

"Yeah she texted me. She's gonna be late." Lydia said.

" I hope that she can make it to the game tonight." Scott said.

" Lets just hope that you don't end up in the hospital." I said as we walked into math.

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