Chapter Nineteen

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"Sierra! I'm here! Where are you?" Lydia said as she walked into the house.

"I'm in my room!" I shouted down the stairs.

"Hey Sierra! Whats up?" Lydia said as she sat down on my bed with her legs crossed.

"Well since we are best friends, I thought I would tell you that I got myself a date." I said while smirking at Lydia.

"You did what?!" Lydia screeched.

I smirked at her.

"I got myself a date." I said repeating myself.

Lydia squealed.

"Oh you have got to tell me everything! What happened? Did you guys kiss? Tell me, Tell me, Tell me. Every. Single. Detail. And I swear Sierra if I find out that you left out any details I will kill you myself. You hear me?"

I giggled at Lydias "threat"

"Sure thing Lydia. So his name is Derek and he's about 6 feet tall. He has black hair and these piercing green eyes. He's really buff too. He's really sweet and gentle too. Oh Lydia, he's just perfect." I sighed as I laid down onto of my bed.

"Whens the date?" Lydia asked.

I jumped up from my bed.

" Holy shit! I forgot to ask." I said as I jumped to grab my jacked to run to the hale house but before I could leave, my phone vibrated. The text read:

From: ?

I wil pick you up at 7:30 on Saturday.



I smirked. That big wolf was watching me. I will have to get him back.

The rest of the night Lydia and I spent watching movies and dropped jaws at pictures of shirtless men.

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