Chapter Eighteen

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When I got home, Derek dropped me off, I ran straight up to my room. I dropped my bag and jumped onto my bed. I stared at the ceiling and smirked. The Derek Hale asked me out on a date! I have to call Lydia!

"Hello?" Lydia said.

"Lydia? Its Sierra. I have great news you need to get your flat ass to my house right now!"

"Okay! jesus Christ! you don't have to be so loud! Give me an hour to get ready." Lydia said as she hung up.

I smirked to myself as I put my phone down. There was a knock on my door. "Sierra? Is it safe to come in?" It was Scott.

"Come in Scott!" I said.

"Why are you so smiley? You were practically dead less than ten hours ago. And here you are smiley and jumping around like a maniac. So whats got you so happy?" Scott said sitting down on my bed.

"I'm fine now Scott. You don't need to worry. And whats got me all happy is that Derek asked me out on a date today." 

Scotts face went from happy to completely enraged.

"WHAT!? Derek asked you on a date? I need to call Stiles." He got off my bed and stormed out of my room and down the stairs.

What the hell was that all about? I thought that Scott liked Derek. Why the hell did he get so bad all of a sudden? I haven't seen Scott get this angry since the big fight between mom and dad. During the fight things got a little physical and Dad punched me in the face. Scott almost went crazy. He unleashed himself at Dad. he beat the shit out of him. I had never seen Scott so angry.

I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. In walked in both Scott and Stiles.

"What the hell were you thinking? A date! With Derek Hale? What the hell is wrong with you? do you have any idea what Derek Hale has done?" stiles said as they walked into the room. 

"What the hell are you talking about Stiles?" I said raising my voice.

"Has Scott not told you?" Stiles said.

" I haven't told her yet Stiles." Scott sighed.

"Oh my god Scott! How could you have not told her not? These facts just so happen to be very important. God Scott." Stiles said sighing.

:Stiles, I haven't really had the time. You know that." Scott said. 

"fine. When Scott and I went out that one night, the night that you were attacked, Scott and I went looking for a body. Some runners found a body in the woods. But the thing was that they only found half of a body.. So Scott and I went looking for the other half. Couple days later we went digging at Dereks house because Scott said that there was another person at the house. we found that other half of the body buried in Derek Hale's yard. Derek hale killed that girl, Sierra. He's a murderer."

I stood there with a blank expression staring at the wall behind Stiles. I had to compute what was just said.

"get out." i said plainly.

"what?" Scott and Stiles said at the same time.

"Get out." I repeated.

"What do you mean Sierra?" Scott asked.

Thats when my patience ended.

"Get the fuck off my bed and get the fuck out of my room!" I screamed at them.

Both of their mouths dropped. They then looked at each other. They got off the bed and left the room without another word. 

I need to talk to Derek.

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