Chapter Ten

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Man Derek Hale was ripped. Talk about a sex god. 

" What do you mean Derek?' I asked with a hint of question in my voice.

derek walked closer to me and put his hand under my chin and began to examine my face. Especially my eyes. 

" Were you bit or scratched by anything lately?" Derek asked.

I thought back to the past couple weeks. I remember feeling the wolf bite into my side. I sighed as I pulled up the side of my shirt and started to peel the tape off of the cloth that covered the wound. When i completely pulled it off, i gasped. All that was there was a scar. 

" Sierra, I need you to be honest with me right now.," Derek said as he kneeled down in front of me and grabbed both of my hands in one of his. A shock went up my arm and in my stomach i could feel the butterflies. Derek must have felt them too because he smirked at me as he finished his sentence. 

" Has there been anything weird about your self that you have noticed recently?" he said smirking while tightening the grip on my hand. 

" Now that you mention it, my ache is all gone and i am able to run a lot more without having my lungs go out like Stiles over here. And i seem to have more curves. But i thought all of that was from running more." I said as I looked over at my brother and his idiotic best friend.

"Hey! Don't you use your sass on me!" Stiles said as he leaned over to my brother and said, " I taught her well." 

I don't think i was supposed to hear that but I did. 

" Yes stiles. You did teach me well." 

I looked down at Derek who was still holding my hands in his. His eyes seem to sparkle with interest as he took in every detail of my face. 

" Derek, what is going on?" 

Derek sighed as he let go of my hands and stood up. My body felt like I had lost my only connection to the only warmth in the world. 

" Sierra, babe, you're a werewolf."


Alpha, Beta,Omega (Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now