Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The sounds of piano keys rang through the attic room. The boys jumped to their feet, and turned towards the old piano that was near the back of the attic. The piano keys rang again, though, instead of sounding more soft, they sounded as though someone were putting their whole body weight on the keys. Niall and Zayn held their breath as they watched the dark shadows.

Emerging from the dark, a lion, the size of both boys combined, focused intently on his prey. Niall and Zayn started breathing quicker. "Don't worry Zayn," Niall tried sounding tough, "it's just an illusion." The lion roared, exposing his large fangs. Both boys made a run for it, charging out the door with the lion at their heels. They ran down the stairs to the second floor, only to be stopped by the lion, who merely leaped from the banister and landed in front of them.

They started to back up, only to have a strange person emerge from the shadows, and bump into them. Both boys screamed and ran down another hallway, but the lion seemed distracted. This stranger was clothed in leaves and animal skins. He had a short, but scruffy beard and his hair was long, curly, and wild. He was tall, lanky, but there was some muscle. The stranger pulled out his knife and held it out to the lion. He backed down the hall, as the lion slowly prowled towards him. The man looked up and noticed the chandelier above him, the rug under his feet, and the door behind him. He backed up until he was only two feet infront of the door. He threw down his knife and yelled in the lion's face.

The lion pounced at him, only to grab thin air as the stranger jumped and hung on to the chandelier. The lion slid on the rug, and into the bedroom. The man hopped down and quickly slammed the door shut behind the animal. He clicked the lock and breathed a sigh of relief. Then the lion's sharp claws dug into the wood, just above the man's head. He jumped back, but the lion backed up and was definitely safe behind the door.

The man slowly began walking around, trying to find those boys he saw earlier. He walked down the hall, then paused. Suddenly, he grabbed the doorknob to his left and yanked open the door. Niall and Zayn screamed from their hiding spots inside the towel closet. The man screamed back, then shut the door. The man walked down another hallway and tried opening another door. The handle was locked but that didn't stop him. He kicked the door and it swung open, letting the man enter.

The room was dusty, like it hadn't been touched in years. There was a slightly bent bike set up next to a dresser and closet. The bed was pushed towards the other side of the room. The stranger stroked the seat of the bike, fondly. He walked into the closet and found a shirt that had a few tiny blood stains on the front. He turned to the dresser as something caught his eye. A small picture frame sat on top. The man walked forward slowly and picked up the frame. He brushed away the dust and smiled at the photo. It was a picture of the Styles Family, Christmas 2005. "I'm home," he whispered. Zayn and Niall hovered in the doorway, staring at the mysterious stranger. The man looked up at the boys.

"Did somebody roll a five or an eight?" The man finally spoke, softly. Niall glanced at Zayn.

"He did," He admitted, hitching his thumb at Zayn. The man started laughing, hysterically. Niall and Zayn screamed and ran out of the room. The man chased after them, still laughing. As the boys reached reached the bottom floor, the stranger had caught up with them. He grabbed Zayn and spun him around in a hug, yelling, "Thank you! Thank you!" Zayn screamed in fear and Niall watched cautiously on the last step of the stairs. The man set Zayn down breathlessly and caressed the boys face.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he spoke softly, pulling his hands away. Niall stepped over and hugged Zayn comforting, asking if he was alright, to which the boy nodded.

"I'm home!" The man screamed, running all over the first floor of the house. "Mum! Gemma! I'm back! I'm back..." He slowed down in front of the boys. "Are you Gemma's friends?" The man asked, breathing hard. "No," Niall answered, then pointed to both himself and Zayn. "I'm Niall, and this is Zayn."

"Where's Gemma? Is Mum at the bakery?" The man asked, smiling.

"Are you..." Niall realized, "Harry Styles?"

"Yeah..." Harry answered, "Who are you?"

"We live here now."

"Where's my family?" Harry asked.

"I don't know," Niall admitted. "Everyone thought you were dead." Harry was taken back by the news. He started walking backwards, before running out the front door. "Sorry!" Niall called out.


Inside his parole car, Officer Payne drove down the neighborhood, talking on his radio. "Danielle, can you give me that description again?"

"I said," Danielle repeated, on the opposite side of the radio, "red fur and long tail."

Harry was past the gate when he heard Niall yell, "Wait!" He turned around, but kept walking backwards, unaware that he was in the middle of the street. Officer Payne slammed on his brakes, dropping his radio, in an attempt to avoid hitting the man. Harry saw the car at the last second, and jumped on top of the hood. "Ugh!" The cop groaned, parking the police car in the middle of the street. "Please, get off of my car. Now." Officer Payne, politely ordered, as he got out of his car.

Harry stepped down and looked at the officer closely. "What year is it?" Harry asked. "Well, it was brand new." Liam answered, thinking he was being asked about the car. Harry shook his head, "No. I mean, what YEAR is it?"

"Uh, 2013!" Niall answered, running up to the men, with Zayn behind him, "Don't you remember?" Harry whispered to himself in realization, "2013... 6 years!"

"You have some I.D.? Oh, lemme guess. You left it in your other Tarzan outfit?" Liam jokingly asked, as Harry sat in shock. "Are you from around here?" The officer asked, disbelievingly. "I was!" Harry defended, "but I've been in Jumanji-"

"Indonesia!" Niall interrupted, trying to keep people from thinking Harry was crazy. "He was in the peace corp."

"Do you know this man?" The officer asked the two boys. "Yes," Niall lied, "he's our cousin!" Harry squinted at the cop's name tag.

"L. Payne..." Harry read. Officer Payne turned his shoulder in, hiding his badge from Harry's view, and pulled the other two boys aside. While the officer talked with the boys, Harry murmured to himself in realization. "L. Payne... Liam Payne, the Gingerbread Man!" He gasped, then looked up. He saw two monkeys from the game run up to Liam's cop car, hop inside, and shut the door. "GET OUTTA THERE!" Harry shouted at them. The monkeys ducked their heads as the others turned to see what all the yelling was about. Harry turned to them, then held his hands out towards the car.

"Monkeys!" He tried explaining, then turned back to the car. Liam turned to the boys. "Is he okay up here?" He asked, pointing to his head. "Uh, he suffered a head injury a few months ago," Niall quickly lied, as Harry made monkey noises at the car. One monkey started playing with Liam's hand gun and accidentally shot through the roof of the car. Liam's head snapped to his car, just as the other monkey put the car in gear and sped off.

"Hey!" Liam called out. He looked over his shoulder and pointed to Harry. "Don't move." he commanded, then ran after his car. "Don't move, Don't move," Harry mimicked, before running the opposite direction of Liam.

"Hey!" Niall called after him. "Where are you going?!" "To find my family!" Harry yelled over his shoulder, as he charged down the street. Niall sighed, then pulled Zayn's arm. "C'mon!"


New chapter! So, my parents just bought me an iPhone 4, so lately I've been trying to move all my memory on to the new phone. That includes all my chapters/ imagines. So I haven't had much time to write but I'm starting back up! And I'm trying to update more often. Please, I know people are reading this story and my other ones. Please, please, comment!

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