Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"... and that brings us to here," Harry finished explaining to Liam, who looked at his old friend, doubtfully. Liam had his driver's side door open and was sitting sideways, facing Harry, who was standing in front of him. "I know it sounds crazy, but you need to believe me, Liam!" Harry pleaded. Liam sighed, standing up and reaching for his keys. "Hold still," He said flatly, as Harry turned around, "this might pinch."

Harry flinched as the handcuffs squeezed tightly around his wrists before fulling coming off. Harry turned around, smiling gratefully at his friend, while holding the handcuffs in his hands.

"Alright!" Liam shouted, placing his hand on top of his door, "I've let you go. Now what?"

"This," Harry said, quickly looping the handcuffs around Liam's wrist and the door. As fast as Liam could blink, Harry had chained him to his car with his handcuffs and was holding their keys. "It's for your own good," Harry said, lifting the keys. Liam's eyes widened, "Harr- those are my keys- those are my keys!" Harry chucked the keys into the field across from where they were parked.

"Harry!" Liam yelled as said boy began running down the street. Harry turned around, shouting, "You'll thank me someday!" As he began running, Harry heard the police radio, which caused him to freeze. "Liam, we need back up downtown, we have a hostage situation, involving an armed man and three young men around the age of twenty at the Sir Save-A-Lot." Liam was struggling to sit down in his seat when Harry bolted up to him. "What's 'Sir Save-A-Lot'?" he asked, breathlessly. "It's a discount store," Liam explained, before he grunted as Harry squeezed into the driver's seat with him.

After he, carefully, shut the door, Harry revved the car to life. "Don't worry," Harry warned, "I've done this before... Once." Liam looked at him, worriedly, before shaking his head.


Van Pelt, slowly, made his way around the counter, still gripping Louis' arm. Niall and Zayn thought fast. Zayn ran and slid on his knees towards the man and, with his new, sharper monkey teeth, bit the hunter in the leg. The hunter screamed out in pain, letting go of Louis and stumbling back. Louis and Zayn ran off with the game, just as Niall ran up behind Van Pelt. "PRICE CHECK!" He yelled, blinding him with a scanner. Van Pelt spent a few moments gaining back his eyesight, before stalking around the store in search of the boys.

Louis was running around the store, pushing a cart that held the game inside. "Niall!" He screamed, shoving the cart at him. Niall grabbed the cart and began speeding away with it. Meanwhile, Zayn was gathering items around the store for a secret plan. He began pulling a scuba oxygen tank near the canoe set ups, and placing it near the barbell equipment he placed there earlier. Then he spilled laundry detergent in the middle of two aisles.

Niall grabbed the game out of the cart and ran into the next aisle. He froze seeing Van Pelt in the aisle across from him, then turned in the opposite direction. The hunter began to run after him, but stopped when he felt himself slipping on something. He looked down at the soap now covering his boots, and tried steadying himself. He looked forward, noticing the half monkey boy, who was standing near a canoe display that had an oxygen tank attached to it. Zayn slipped on a safety mask and pulled a lever that dropped the barbell onto the ends of the oxygen tanks. The tanks exploded and propelled the canoe forward at Van Pelt.

He had barely enough time to react, before being hit and thrown into the canoe as hit flew at 80 miles an hour. He screamed, right as the canoe flew through the wall of the store. Zayn stood up and took off the mask. Louis and Niall ran up to him with the game, and looked in the direction he was staring at. Van Pelt emerged from the hole, seething mad, and cocking his gun.

The boys began to run down another aisle. Van Pelt aimed for the tire display in front of the boys and fired at the chains holding them. They clicked off and the tires began rolling down and trampling the boys.


"Turn off the siren," Liam snapped, becoming ridiculously uncomfortable, "Right there, just above the-"

"I got it, I got it," Harry clicked off the siren, as they pulled into town. Liam directed Harry around to where the store was located. "It's on the corner of Salem street," Liam declared and Harry nodded.

"Right next to the old church," he remembered. Liam shook his head, "It's no longer a church, now it's a Burger King. People in this town are going loopy!"

Harry shook his head as he turned into the Sir Save-A-Lot parking area. "Now hit the brakes," Liam commanded, softly. Harry pressed his foot down, but the brakes were no longer working. "Hit the brakes!" Liam shouted, as they grew closer to the store. "THERE IS NO BRAKES!" Harry yelled. The boys screamed as they zoomed towards the building.


Louis and Niall emerged from the piles of tires, grunting. They gasped and hugged each other as Van Pelt walked up in front of them. "Oh, stop your clinging, boy," Van Pelt snapped, "I could have shot you at any moment."

"Then why didn't you?" Louis tested. "You didn't roll the dice, Harry did," Van Pelt hissed, then added, "He should be joining us now."

Right at that moment, Harry and Liam's police car crashed through the stores windows and through the aisles. Teddy bears and basketballs flew around like crazy. Van Pelt turned as the noise grew closer. Suddenly, the car hit the aisle just before the boys and Van Pelt. The heavy shelves of paint were enough to stop the car, but still jolted the wall enough to slowly knock it down. Van Pelt's eyes grew as the wall began to come down on him, and with one final scream, the buckets of paint collapsed on him. Louis and Niall jumped away and gasped as Harry emerged from the car. Meanwhile, the door Liam was still attached to came off completely and Liam groaned. He pulled it in the direction of the hardware tools. He grabbed a saw and started to slice at the chain.

"Are you guys alright?" Harry asked, running up to hug Louis. Louis smiled in relief that he was here and nodded. Harry, suddenly frowned, searching around. "Where's Zayn?" he asked.

"Right here," Zayn grunted, moving aside the tire that was on top of him. Harry groaned at the sight of half-monkey Zayn. "Oh great."


Finally! Another chapter! I've been wanting to update for so long! Sorry school's been busy as hell, so I'm trying to work out a writing schedule. Oh, and can I just say,
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS!! I SCREAMED SO HARD WHEN I FOUND OUT! Thank you everyone and I'm glad you're enjoying the story! Hope you guys liked this new chapter!

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