Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"The doctor is not available at this time. Please leave a message and we will contact you as soon as possible."

"Hi, Dr. Sandra. It's Louis. I think I need to have my dosage checked." Louis spoke into the phone, breathing deeply, as the other three boys sat across from him on the other couch. "That event we've been talking about for quite some time... You know that one that didn't really happen? Oh boy, I'm having an episode right now with the little boy that didn't... really... disappear. I'm sitting in his house. Drinking lemonade." He chuckled nervously, "If you could give me a call back, I would really like to hear your interpretation. Thank you so much." Louis sighed, setting down the landline behind him. "She should call back within the next hour." He explained. While his back was turned, Harry placed the game on the coffee table in front of them.

"While we're waiting," he said, opening up the game. Louis smiled, curiously at Harry, until realizing what was right in front of him. "OH GOD NO!" Louis screamed, flipping over the couch. Harry ran over to him trying to calm him down.


"Harry! I have spent over two thousand hours in therapy, convincing myself that THAT," Louis pointed to the game, "doesn't exist. See what happened to you was so awful and it couldn't have hap-"

"Louis, Louis, Louis," Harry interrupted, trying to calm him down. He held Louis' smaller hands in his and cradled them close to their chests. "It was real," Harry nodding, while Louis shook his head. "No. No it wasn't! Your mother murdered you, and chopped you up into little pieces!"

"C'mon Louis, my mum did that?" Harry asked disbelieving. "My mother, could barely hug me. Let alone, cut me up into pieces." He added, harshly. He held Louis' hand as he guided him back to the couch.

"6 years ago, we started playing a little game. And now, we're gonna finish it." Harry said. He sat Louis down next to Zayn, then sat opposite of them, next to Niall. "And guess what?" Harry whispered. He opened Louis' hands and placed the dice in his palms. "It's your turn."

"No," Louis weakly protested, voice wavering as though he were about to cry. He tried to give the dice to Zayn, who pushed his hand back. "Please, Louis," Harry pleaded. Louis held the dice against his chest, shaking his head miserably. Harry sighed, "Alright, you can just give me the dice back and go home." He held out his hand, above the game board. Louis sighed in relief, then held the dice above Harry's hand. "Thank you," he breathed, dropping the dice.

Then, as the dice left Louis' hand, Harry moved his hand aside, as if Louis had rolled. He smirked as Louis screamed, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" He shrugged, "6 years in the jungle teaches you a few tricks."

"Look!" Niall pointed to the board. They all leaned closely, as Louis hesitantly read the words. "'They grow much faster than bamboo, take care or they'll come after you'?" As he finished, some of the ceiling's plaster fell from above onto the board. Everyone looked up to see strange vines sprouting from the walls.

"Oh no," Harry groaned. "Tell me this isn't happening," Louis cringed. "Oh, it is." Harry confirmed, pulling the boys close to him. Louis nuzzled close to Harry with his arm wrapped around Zayn's shoulder. Niall had Harry's left arm around him safely.

"Stay away from the windows, and chairs." Harry warned. A small, lilac flower sprouted and Niall gazed, enchanted. "They're beautiful," he complimented. "Oh, yeah, they're beautiful alright." Harry sarcastically agreed. Vines were sprouting like crazy, from the power outlets, through the couches, and, unnoticeably, the rug the boys were standing on. "Stay away from the purple ones- they shoot poisonous barbs." Harry demanded. "And DEFINITELY stay away from the pods- the big yellow ones."

"What big yellow ones?" Louis whispered. Zayn screamed, then fell to the floor. The boys had enough time to watch Zayn be dragged under the rug and around the room by a slimy vine. "ZAYN!" Niall screamed, as they ran to catch the screaming lad. The vine was coming from inside the bookshelf doors. Niall was the first to grab Zayn, then Louis, then Harry. They picked him up, then pulled him by his torso.

As they pulled Zayn, they also pulled out his predator- a large, elephant-sized, bright yellow flower with tiny teeth-like spikes at the end of its petals. Zayn and Niall screamed even louder, while Louis tried to calm them down. Harry looked around, then got an idea. "Hang on!" He yelled, letting go of Zayn. "Oh gosh," Louis groaned over the extra weight he had to carry. "Stay calm, boy!" He yelled at Zayn, not knowing the boy too well, but caring for his safety.

Meanwhile, Harry ran to the fireplace where his great-great-grandfathers sword lie inside a glass case. "Sorry Angus," he apologized, before smashing the glass and pulling out the sword. "Harvest time!" He screamed, running back over to the group. He sliced the vine clean, causing Louis and Niall to fall back with Zayn in their arms. The pod whimpered and hid itself back into the shelf.


Liam ran down the street then came to a stop. He looked left and right before spotting his patrol car.

"Oh my word!" He screamed as he realized the damage his car was in. It was smashed into a tree and mailbox. The front bumper was smashed and the hood was busted. "Oh my car," he whined. He hopped into the driver's seat and saw his keys still in the ignition.

"Please turn on, please turn on," he begged, turning the keys until he heard the car roar back to life. "Yes!" He cheered. He finally noticed his radio and Danielle's annoyed voice. "Has anyone seen Liam? Liam, do you copy?" She asked. Liam snatched up his mic, "Liam here."

"Where in heaven's name have you been? We have a serious animal containment crisis on our hands!" Danielle snapped.

"You're gonna have to get Stan and Willy on it. I'm heading over to the old Styles' place to check out a suspicious character. Over." Liam replied, placing back his radio. Carefully, he backed his car out of the wreckage, then drove back down the street.


Tada! New chapter! I really like this story, and I hope you guys are enjoying it too! Please leave feedback I really appreciate it!

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