Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Louis peeked through the window curtain and sighed, "Even if Harry gets out of this one the same thing's just gonna happen over and over again."

Harry crawled through the window in the next room, unnoticed by the boys looking out the other window. Harry walked up behind them, listening to their conversation with his eyebrows raised in amusement.

"When you carry around so much repressed anger," Louis continued, explaining to Niall and Zayn, "it attracts a lot of negative energy. And then, things happen. Like ending up in the jungle- that was no accident."

"Whose turn is it?" Harry finally spoke up. Their heads turned to him, and Louis sighed deeply. "Mine," Niall answered. "Really, great" Harry commented sarcastically. "You could have told us there was a man in there with a rifle who hunts people!" Louis snapped. "Well I didn't know, okay?! It's just the roll of the dice!" Harry snapped back.

"Is he the reason you didn't want to play?" Niall asked, as he and Zayn began walking back to the library. Louis stopped walking and scoffed. "You didn't wanna play either?" Louis asked. Harry ignored him, glaring and following the boys. Louis didn't drop the subject, following after him, yelling, "Mr. We-Started-Something-6-Years-Ago-And-Now-We-Gotta-Finish-It?!"

Niall and Zayn sat in their seats, as Harry and Louis continued to bicker. "What's the deal with you and this guy?"

"He's a hunter, he kills things and right now, he wants to kill me?"


"Why me?! I don't know! Everything about me he finds offensive. You'd think it'd be a waste of his time, but maybe he just needs something for his wall."

Zayn groaned, then turned to Niall, "It's your turn." Niall nodded, then looked at the other boys.

"Well have you tried talking about your differences?"

Harry looked incredulously at Louis, "What are you, crazy? That man has a gun-"

"Don't ever call me crazy, Harry." Louis cut him off. "Ever. Cause everyone in this town has call me crazy ever since I told the cops you were sucked into a board game."

Niall turned back to Zayn and shrugged, "Maybe I should roll." Zayn nodded his head in agreement. "You know what it's like being known as the little boy who saw Harry Styles murdered?" Louis shouted, "Do you think anybody showed up to my 16th birthday party?"

"Hello, I'm rolling now." Niall called out, but the boys were to busy to notice. "I bet Eleanor Calder showed up." Harry gritted through his teeth. "Elea- who?" Louis asked. Harry rolled his eyes, "What are you, an owl?"

"I'm gonna roll!" Niall shouted once again.

"Dig into your higher consciousness, and find the memory of your old girlfriend, Eleanor!" Harry spat out, still ignoring Niall. "The girl who stole your bicycle?!" Louis shouted. "No, the girl you took to the movies!"

Zayn shook his head, handing the dice to Niall. "Here, just roll." Niall nodded, then rolled the dice.

"'Don't be fooled it isn't thunder, staying put would be a blunder.'" Niall and Zayn looked at each other nervously.

"You're so immature." Harry snarled. "I'm immature?! You're the immature one!" Louis pointed. "I know you are but what am I?" Harry asked, glaring. Suddenly Harry dropped his angry mood. "Shh, do you hear that?" He cut off Louis, who froze. Harry walked over to the opposite side of the room past Niall and Zayn. He looked at the small bust of the king, placed on the bookshelf, that was now shaking forward.

Suddenly, it was shook from its place and it crashed to the floor. Harry spun around fast, as books began falling around him. "Run! IT'S A STAMPEDE!" Louis pulled the two boys from their seats and they ran out of the room screaming. Harry began running after them, then stopped.

"The game!" he remembered. He ran to the table, flipped it shut then ran. Just as Harry made it out of the room, herds of animals crashed through the library wall. Harry ran down the hall behind the other boys, screaming, "DON'T LOOK BACK!"

Of course, that only caused Louis to turn his head and scream harder. Louis and Niall made the quick decision to run into the dining room, out of the stampede's way. Harry caught on, but Zayn hadn't noticed. Harry grabbed Zayn's arm and swung him around, and they both slid safely out of the way.

Niall quickly gathered Zayn in his arms, while Louis did the same to Harry. The group watched as all sorts of jungle animals (pelicans, rhinos, elephants, and zebras) began running past their safe room, crashing through the side of the house and creating a gargantuan hole.

As the ground grew calmer and the dust settled, the group caught their breath. Then, a pelican landed in front of them, the game board at its feet. Harry flapped his arms and crowed. The pelican squawked, then picked up the game with his bill.

"No!" Harry screamed, as they all scrambled up to chase after it. The bird flew out of the house, with Harry chasing after it. "Why didn't you grab the game, Zayn?!" Harry yelled harshly. Zayn hung his head, while Niall tensed, holding him tighter. Louis shook his head, "Don't take it personally, man. He's a libra."

Louis and Zayn began following after Harry as the landline began ringing. Niall ran over and answered, "Hello?"

"Niall! I've been calling your cells all day! What's going on?" Simon shouted from the other line.

"Oh I'm sorry sir, you have the wrong number." Niall answered in a fake British accent, before hanging up.

"Wait for me!" He called, trudging through the bricks and debris, not noticing the thick green vine that was slowly growing and slithering into the yard.


This is late! I'm sorry! But I've posted!! Alright, might be a while before the next chapter, but I'll try to post ASAP. Love you guys, please leave feedback!

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