Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Harry knelt down as he reached into the old chest of his bedroom and pulled out some of his clothes. They were small, but he figured he could make them work. "Harry," he heard softly behind him. He turned, only to have Niall shove the Jumanji game board right in front of his face. Harry screamed, jumping backwards. He quickly grabbed his clothes and scrambled out the room, shouting, "Keep that thing away from me!"

"Wait!" Niall pleaded, running after him, "we need your help finishing the game!"

"Well, it's not gonna happen!" Harry yelled over his shoulder. "And I hope you guys realize, with my family dead, this house rightfully belongs to me!"

Harry walked into the bathroom to change and paused at the sight of the toilet. He sighed in relief, then looked up to the ceiling. "Thank you," he whispered, closing the door behind him. "No more banana leaves..."


Niall pressed his ear against the door, trying to listen, but all he heard was running water. "What do you think those monkeys are gonna do to the ecosystem around here?" He yelled. Harry ignored him, and started singing loudly as he showered for the first time in years.


Two hours later, as Zayn and Niall lay intertwined against the wall, waiting, Harry emerged from the shower with his hair trimmed and his scruffy beard shaved. Though, he had toilet paper bits on his face to stop the cuts from bleeding. He was wearing an old flannel of his with the top half of the buttons undone, with a pair of his old jeans that fit like a pair of skinny jeans.

Niall stood up quickly, and Zayn immediately felt cold. Harry pretended not to notice how Zayn's face flashed from sad to curious in a nanosecond. Harry raised his eyebrows, smiling, and held out his arms in presentation. "What happened to you? You shave with a piece of glass?" Niall teased. Harry's smile dropped, as he pulled off the tiny bits of paper. "What do you want? I've never shaved before..." Harry mumbled, walking off to the kitchen.


"What if, Zayn and I play and you watch?" Niall suggested as Harry picked up the disgarded food from the monkey fiasco and placed it into a bowl for himself. He admired a half eaten apple and took a bite. "Thanks," Harry said with his mouthful, "but I've seen it." Niall's shoulders dropped in defeat. "Then what are you going to do?"

Harry shrugged walking over to the fridge. "I guess, start where I left off?" He suggested, "I wonder if Mrs. Needermeyer is still teaching..." He opened the fridge door and a monkey popped out, screeching. Harry screamed and dropped his bowl. The monkey shivered and rubbed his arms for warmth before running through the kitchen door and out the front. Harry breathed deeply, then picked up his bowl.

"C'mon Niall," Zayn pulled his arm, "he's not going to help us. He's afraid." They turned around before Harry snapped, "What was that?" Zayn turned back slowly, shrugging, "You're afraid. It's okay to be afraid." He looked at Niall, nodding towards the door. "Let's set it up in the living roo-" he was cut off by Harry sliding in between the two boys to block the door. He held his hands up, "Hold on there, you don't know what you're messing with." He laughed, though it came out a little shaky. Zayn shrugged, "Whatever it is, we can handle it-" Harry kept his arms out to hold the boys back. "I. Don't. Think. So." He said, dangerously quiet. "You think monkeys, mosquitoes, and lions are nothing? That's just the beginning. I've seen things that you've only seen in your nightmares. Things you can't even see." Harry was now whispering closely to Zayn and Niall. "S-So you'll help us?" Zayn asked softly. Harry pulled back and looked at them. "I'll watch. But I'm not afraid." And with that he turned and walked out of the kitchen. Niall let out the breath he had been holding and gripped Zayn's arm. "Zayn!" He whisper-yelled, smiling. "That was SO cool!" Zayn grinned, blushing slightly, "It's reverse psychology. My dad used to pull it on me all the time."


Zayn and Niall sat at the coffee table with the board game in front of them. "Ready?" Niall asked, looking into Zayn's eyes. He nodded, "Ready." Niall looked at Harry, who was locking the doors and windows. "Harry, ready?" Harry looked at him, then shook his head. "There is no ready."

Niall sighed, then rolled the dice. But the game pieces stayed still. Niall and Zayn frowned in confusion. "I'll try again," Niall thought out loud. He rolled but still, nothing happened. Niall slumped in his seat on the ground. "Harry, it's not working."

Harry's eyebrows creased in confusion until he looked at the board. His eyes grew with realization, "It's not your turn."

"Yes it is. I rolled first, then Zayn went twice since he rolled doubles, and now it's my turn again." Niall explained.

Harry shook his head, sitting down. He pointed to Niall and Zayn's game pieces. "These are your pieces, correct? Now who's are those?" He asked, pointing to the rhino and elephant. He leaned forward. "I was the rhino," he whispered, then slowly stroked the elephant piece as he remembered.

"You're playing the game I played back in 2007. I'm going to have to play," Harry sighed regretfully. Niall picked up the dice and hesitantly handed them to Harry, who shook his head. "It's not my turn." Harry mumbled. Niall looked at Zayn, who was staring back at him the same way. "Then, who's turn is it?"

Harry stared into space as he spoke, soft and slow.

"Louis. Tomlinson."


I KNOW YOU HATE ME BUT I HAVE TO STOP THERE!! I will try writing Chapter 7 and uploading by the end of the week.

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