Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Liam drove his beat up patrol car down the street when he saw a fashionable man in the distance, jogging. The man turned around, noticing him, then began waving him down. "Stop!" He heard him scream. "Now what?" Liam grumbled under his breath.

He pulled up shakily next to the man, who took a moment to notice how messed up the car was. "Can I help you sir?" Liam asked, snapping the man back to reality. "

"Oh," the man sighed, "can I get a ride home?"

"Wait, aren't you-"

"Simon Cowell, yes, I crashed my car due to some monkey and my phone was smashed as well. I have no other way of getting home."

"Well," Liam asked, trying to hide his enthusiasm, "where do you live?"

"Jefferson Street. The Old Styles Place."

Liam froze, "Do you have children? Two teenage boys?"

Simon's eyes grew, "Oh my god, what happened?"

"Get in, I'll explain it on the way," Liam commanded, though Simon was no longer paying attention to the officer. He screamed as a large vine the size of a boa constructer stretched across Liam's seat. "Now-" Liam tried to calm him, until he saw the vine himself and screamed, jumping from his seat and next to Simon. The vine wrapped itself around the midsection of the car, and squeezed it tight enough to fold it in half. Then, the car was dragged into the forest, hidden among the leaves.

Simon and Liam gaped at the scene for a moment, before the police man screamed, "Fine! Take it!" He turned back to Mr. Cowell, leading him by the elbow towards his house, "This way sir."


Louis set down the game on a giant tree root and balanced it while the other three boys sat next to him. He took a deep breath and roll the dice.

"'Every month at the quarter moon,
There'll be a... monsoon?
In your lagoon'..." Louis read, as Harry began stripping off his jumper. "Well," Louis shrugged, "at least we're inside." Harry hovered his jacket above his head, chuckling humorlessly, "Yeah, right..."

There was a sudden loud clap of thunder and lightening, which caused all four boys to jump up, and then rain began pouring in buckets on their heads. Louis threw his arms up in defeat, "Well, a little rain never hurt anybody!"

"Yeah, but a lot could kill you," Harry warned, "Lets go!" He packed up the game and motioned for the group to follow him. "What do we do?" Louis screamed. "We get to higher ground!" Harry shouted back. They group began climbing the grand staircase, clinging to the rails in order to not fall. They heard a loud splash and looked up. They screamed as a huge tidal wave swooped in and knocked them down the stairs. The entire first floor of the house was now filled at least six feet with water.

"Get on the table!" Harry shouted, noticing the coffee table near the chandelier. The boys scrambled near it, Niall having to pull Zayn because he knew the boy wasn't a strong swimmer. Once they were all safe on top of the table, as Harry made sure no one was hanging off, Louis turned around, squinting at the water. "Harry, what is that?" Louis anxiously asked.

Harry turned around and instantly noticed the long, scaly tail in the water. He screamed, "Get on the chandelier!" With Louis on one side of the table and Harry on the other, they helped lift Niall and Zayn, who held the game, to safety above them. Just as Harry was about to lift up Louis, he lost his balance, and pulled on the chandelier. Zayn was flung from his side of the chandelier and into the water. Harry screamed as the boy began to drown head first into the water. Harry pulled the boy up quickly as the jaws of a crocodile chased after them. Harry jumped into the chandelier then reached for Louis.

Then, another crocodile jumped onto the table, the uneven weight causing Louis to slide to the other side of the table, straight towards the jaws of the ginormous croc. He screamed, as he held himself back only by keeping his feet on top of the croc's nose. Harry made a quick decision, diving into the water, then suddenly jumping onto then croc's back. This distracted the reptile long enough for Louis to climb to safety. Harry held on tight as the crocodile shook his body crazy, trying to shake off the unwanted weight from his back.


Simon ran up to the door, pulling on the handle, but it wouldn't budge. "Niall?! Zayn?!" He called, hearing the screams of the boys inside. "Sir, if you don't mind," Liam stepped up, "they probably left the TV on too loud." He banged on the door while Simon continued to call them. Liam smiled widely, "I've always wanted to do this, could you step back please?"

Simon step back hesitantly as Liam removed his gun from his holder. He kicked the with all his might, in an attempt to swing it open. But instead, the wood began splitting and leaking heavily. Simon and Liam only had a moment to look at each other before the doors exploded with water.


Meanwhile inside, Harry tried swimming back to the chandelier, but with the door letting out all the water, it was carrying him down stream. "Take my hand!" Zayn screamed, reaching for him. Harry reached but could only grasp his slippery fingers. He tried swimming faster and harder, and was able to get a firm grip onto Zayn.


Simon and Liam screamed as their rafts (the double doors) carried them down the street. Their screams only increased as they saw long scaly tails swimming next to them.


Harry reached up and helped Niall down first, then Zayn. Finally, he helped down Louis, who paused for a moment in his arms. "You wrestled an alligator for me," he murmured softly. Harry smiled sheepishly, blushing slightly. Louis began to lean in closer, before Harry awkwardly mentioned, "It was a crocodile actually. Alligators don't have that little fringe on the end of its tail. Let's go."

He backed away softly, walking with Zayn up the stairs. "My mistake," Louis breathed, disappointed. Louis threw his arms up in confusion and Niall smiled sympathetically as they followed them up the stairs.


This story is going to be ending soon, I can't believe it! :( I hope you all enjoy it, yay for double updates!

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