the apocalypse : 1

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this story contains action,romance,adventure and alot of random events. it also contains alot of mystery.  

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it would be awesome if you gave me ideas to make this story better! 

chapters are preety short since i write on my phone so its a miracle if i can give you five pages.  


p.s. sorry if romance doesn't start soon but i don't believe romance happens right away. i mean if your going to write a story about a girl who doesn't know what love is and in one chapter she falls in love and confesses... im not a very big fan about that sorry. i probably have a bunch of haters now but thats just an opinion. enjoy!




my name is lucy. i live in a world different than any other. in a world filled with zombies. i dont know how they all turned scientifically but i do know that if you get bit. you turn. four years ago when i was fourteen and explosion happened in the capital of the united states. then there were reports in the news talking about a sickness going around. i was in my room and my mom and dad. tried attacking my sisters. we all ran to our parents room and locked the door.  

i looked for a gun that was in my parents drawer. i made my sisters hide under the bed and when the door broke open the both came in screaming in hunger. i was scared. shocked by what i was seeing. what scared me the most was that when i pulled the trigger and killed them i felt nothing. all i could do was sigh in relief. 

thats how my life as a survivor began. shortly after that i became an expert in mechanics. i created some sun glasses that would help me check who the infected and the normal people were. tell me coordinates and maps. save information on everything i saw. tell me where to go. 

later my sisters became infected and i found my best friend who i thought was dead. we sticked together. id do the fighting. she would do the planning... but one day her plan failed and i ended up getting bitten. i allowed her to escape and waited for me to turn after i killed the infected. i thought to myself 'shes probably already dead. after all she cant kill without crying herself to sleep.' 

then i thought to myself that i wanted to live. i wanted to protect those who were like her. i wanted people to live... happily.

i expected to be dead but instead i woke up with the fresh bite in my arm. i remember thinking 'am i dead?' 

later i walked towards the city. trying to find shelter i looked at myself through a mirror and my looks had changed. i had long dark brown hair and red streaks. my eyes were red. they looked like the zombies eyes when they begin their transformation. i looked at myself closer and touched the broken mirror. i could see red blood coming out of my fingers fast and then come to a hault. when i washed my fingers with water the cuts were gone. my cuts had healed. the way i looked standed out too much so i began taking blood samples from myself. weeks passed and i reasearched my dna. i could see that it was slightly different from the infected. i began gathering weapons but i couldn't carry all of them. then i met the hackers. they were bad people. i could see that with a ring they could carry up to three weapons by breaking down their particles and saving them into their ring. 

i decided to do the same. i began reasearch to be able to make a bracelet that could do all of that but more. my bracelet was a weapon. it could save many weapons and food. it was fast. so fast that i could take out two weapons at the same time in one second. it also helped me with my image. when i would put the bracelet on my hair would go back to brown and my eyes back to brown. the only thing i kept was the fast healing. fast reflexes and strength. i fixed my glasses to be able to tell the difference between a human, an infected, and an imune. 

later i began wiping out the infected as much as i could and help build towns. i created transparent shields that could tell the difference between humans, infected, imune, and the hackers. 

i upgraded my gear to be able to sense the hackers rings or badges. my glasses could now do the same and so could my bracelet. 

then i realized the purpose to my life and that was to be able to help those in need. to wipe these zombies out of the map.

oh... and the hackers... ima wipe those son of a bitches out of the earth!

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