national security : 12

33 3 0

deans pov

walking was never my strong point. I have always hated it but I have no other choice. hearing that a shelter would need my help from the effected is the reason why I continue to walk. I walk towards two big metal doors with my men behind me. I look up and I see a man standing on the top of the doors pointing at me a gun and saying "who are you?"

i walk towards the doors a little bit until im able to see him perfectly fine. with a smile on my face i look up and i show him my tattoo on my chest as he squints to look at it. when he finally realizes who i am leaves and the doors begin to open.

"sorry about that sir." he says nervously.

"its alright. I understand what you mean by this." I say walking inside with my men behind me. "now where is this emergency you were telling me about."

"its on the other side of the shelter. the infected have somehow began to climb the walls and are trying to get inside."

as we walk pass the center of the shelter we pass through a church and from the corner of my eye i see someone at the very top of the church. i come to stop without realizing it and i observe her from the bottom of the church. i see her taking something off from her wrist and then i look at her hair start to change colors. from dark brown to red like fire. her eyes change to red like blood and then i am astonished by her beauty. her transformation looks similar to the infected but the only difference is that she is quite beautiful. she also seems to have full control of her actions.

"sir... sir" i hear the man say when i snap to look at him. 

"umm... i" i say stuttering nervously "ah sorry but whos that?" i ask pointing out at the top of the church.

"theres no one there sir" he says worried "are sure your alright?" he asks stepping closer to me.

"yeah... yeah... im fine." i say looking at him and then at the top of the church and then back at him again. "so, where were we?" i ask clearing out my throat. 

"actually we are almost there" he says walking me towards the other side of the shelter. when we get to that side i see a couple of men standing on guard with guns at their sides. we walk into a small room and look at the screens inside and i could see hundreds of infected climbing on top of each other trying to get inside of the metal walls. i hear gasps of amazement from my men behind me. i looked behind me and i walked towards the door. "we need to take as many of them down."

"we tried that but they keep multiplying. we think the got a town nearby and infected everyone. the more noise we make the more that come towards us. its useless." he says looking at a big building at the center of the shelter. "we need to take you to our tactician. she is our leader. we need to inform her of your arrival. please come this way" he says walking towards the building.

Lucys pov

when i ran out of the building i ran out towards a church not far from there. i began to climb a tall building besides it and then i jumped over to the church and began to climb its windows until i got to the very top. i sighed in relief when i finally got to the top. i closed my eyes as i tried to forget about the painfull memories that i had about the past. my head hurt and i couldn't think straight. i looked at the beautiful sunset and smiled weakly. i had never taken my time to look at the sky. it was beautiful. the sky was orange and red with pink and purple. i had never seen anything like it. i took of my bracelet and disactivated it.

i could feel my eyes changing to red and my hair beginning to have red streaks. i walked to the back of the church and laid down. looking at the sky i began to remember. the awefull memories that i had tried to forget.

'would lez want an explanation?' i wondered. 'of course she would... i know i would'

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