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i began to run with lez behind me. when we got there it was too late. "wait... hide!" i said as i pulled lez behind a car. i could see four hacker cars with two hackers on each car getting ready to leave. i put on my glasses and looked for the three guys. i began to look around and there i saw them. tied up sitting next to each other. struggling to get out. i looked at the cars and they had some sort of jps. i began to plan out a way to get them back but any plan was too risky. when i looked again the car carrying the three guys had left. every car was leaving except one. two guys were shouting.

"they went that way! we gotta find them!" one shouted madly.

"what if their already far?" shouted the other.

"if we don't find them you know what he'll do to us."

they began to run.

i walked slowly towards the car. i began to work my magic with a laptop that i had kept in my bracelet. i began to look up at the information that the device carried. it carried commands. places where the car had been and where other hacker hideouts where located. i quickly closed the laptop and put it back in my bracelet.

"good i think i know where they might have taken your bro!" i say shocked when i see no one besides me. "lez?" i look ahead where the hacker ran to and whisper "oh no!" as i grab my glasses and check for humans and hackers. i look at lez following the hacker. i take my glasses of and run. when i get there its too late. i look at the figure of a girl around my age with short brown wavy hair, next to a boy around the age of lez with brown hair and lez next to them handcuffed.

"ugh... your so stupid!" i say to myself angry. looking at the men while i observe the way they move and the way they look. they are big and they have big muscles. that explains why they left them in charge of the run aways.

i followed them towards a building with a bad stench. i put my glasses on and i looked at the building there were around twenty men and on the very bottom there were around five infected. they were in some kind of basement. i walked inside in a hurry and walked towards a hallway when i heard a car coming. i hid behind a door besides the hallway. i hid behind the door of the room but left a gap open in case of any suspicion. i heard a man say to another. "so have you captured the runaways?"

"yes sir.... we have also injected them. they are ready for the test.... but we captured another girl." another man said worried.

"well then that means more data then." said the man with an icy cold voice. "we are going to test out which injection works after they get bitten."

"but sir what if none survive?"

"then they don't survive..." there was a silence and then the man began "besides that.... have you found that girl? the one who killed my men?"

"ummm.... no sir not yet. the last time we spotted her was in washington, spokane. she was killing some infected and she made a new shield. we can no longer enter washington state. she helped some uninfected fight to take over the city. they have build shelters and have gotten rid of the robbers."

"i want you to find her fast before we lose control of the other states." said the man mad. "it would be nice to meet her..."

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