Reunion : 10

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lucy pov

when the lady looked at lez she looked shocked. "wait were only delivering a person!" i said holding my hands up. she looked at me with doubt and then said "open the gates!"

when the gates opened lez walked inside and took off her jacket. she lift up her shirt and the women inspected her body up and down.

"your clean." she said as lez put her shirt back on. the lady called some men who inspected bens body and said "hes clean!"

worried ben shouted "wait! clean of what? why are you?"

"bites!" shouted the woman. "we won't let in any infected! now your the only one left." she said looking at me.

before i could run two men grabbed me from behind and took off my sweater. they saw my bandages on my right arm and the lady asked "what is that? are you hurt?"

"technically not anymore" i said slowly.

she came foward and took my bandages off. she could see the bite mark on my right arm when she said "this one is infected!"

i smiled and said "as you can see the marks are preety old so i can't possibly be infect..." she interrupted me by kicking my stomach.

"i don't care." she said as she punched me in the face and hit me in the stomach again. i ciuld now hear lez screaming "don't! stop! shes imune! she's like nick!" the woman looked and lez and then at me she smiled and she hit me in the face again and i could feel my lip bleed. the only bad thing about me being able to heal fast was that when i got hurt it would hurt worse than it was supposed too. in other words a paper cut would hurt two times more. i coughed and looked up at her. i licked my lip and as i imagined the cut she had given me dissapeared. i could see the shock in her eyes. she froze and then grabbed my head and pulled it closer to her face. she examined my face and the places she had hit me in. she pulled up my shirt and took a step back. "you healed in seconds?" she looked at me in disgust and said "what the hell are you?" she said as she pointed her gun in my forehead. she loaded it and was bout to pull the trigger when a voice behind her said "let her go vikki!"

the girl turned around immidiately and said"anna! weren't you..? i thought you..."

"yeah i was about to leave when these guys." she said as she pointed towards lezs brother and his companions. "they said someone was going to bring lez home."

nick looked at how i was being pinned down on the floor by two men and how the girl named vikki had a gun in her hand and snapped. "what's going on here?!" he screamed walking towards the girl named vikki. she jumped and dropped her gun on the floor. she kneeled down i front of him and said "welcome back boss. i was just going to kill an infected."

he turned to look at me in shock and then at the gun on the floor. lez tried running towards me but was stopped by two guys. "no! don't! " she screamed crying.

nick picked up the gun and pointed it at my head. i looked at him straight in the eye and smiled "you can't tell the difference between someone like you and an infected, you still have alot to learn."

he was about to pull the trigger when lez screamed "shes imune! shes had that bite for two years already!"

nick froze. he looked shocked and then i could see relief in his eyes whe he put his gun down. "so your also like me?" he asked innocently.

"it makes me wonder. did you kill that boy because he was bitten or did you realize he was immune?"

"you mean ian?" he asked curious "he's in the hospital right now. i got here in time to tell that he was imune. since all of the travelers who were with him kept saying he was imune. they said someone saved them and told them he was imune."

"mmm... you mind telling your minions to let me go?" i asked mad.

"oh yeah sorry.. let her go and close the gates." he said in a serious tone.

i stood up and hit my knees in order to take the dirt of my jeans and i started to move my arms in a circular motion. "ugh... my back hurts now..."

the two guys let lez go and she ran towards me like a five year old who had just seen her mom or dad and hugged me. she began to cry and said "i thought they would kill you..."

"you should thank the kiddo!" said ben looking at nick and vikki. "lucy there... was about to kill you both."

i chuckled and said "i really can't hide anything from you can i?"

he laughed and said "so where are my people?"

i stopped hugging lez and i looked straight ahead. i could see a girl with long black curly hair tied up in a ponytail and soft brown eyes. she looked beautiful. she looked weak. her body didn't look trained but she had a good figure. she wore a blue dress and blue boots. i had seen this person before but where? i probably looked shocked because lez asked me if i was ok. i was trying to remember if i had seen her face but she beat me to it.

"oh my god!" she said as she walked towards me. she stopped at enough.distance to see my face when she began to cry. "lucia is that you?"

shocked i said "how do you know my name?"

she began to sob now. i felt my body get hotter everytime i saw her tears and for some reason tears began to fall.

"its me lucy" she said with tears in her eyes. "its me annabell."

i began to shake and tears began to fall faster as i said "annie?"

she ran and hugged me. she cry harder. i could hear that she was having trouble breathing. i hugged her back and began to cry. "you made it... im so glad.." i said.

she began to cry more and tried to scream "i thought you died! i thought that because of my mistake i had lost you. i was so scared without you... i didn't know what to do!" she cried more and said "i prayed everyday when i found out that some peolple were immune. im so sorry!" she cried.

i hugged her and wiped my tears. i looked at her crying in my arms and i couldn't believe it. my best friend from two years ago was still alive. she was alive and safe. i smiled and said "there what did i tell you about crying. a girl like you looks better smiling."

she chuckled and said "oh never change."

i let go of her but she hugged me tighter. i stood there looking at her hugging me and smiling when i realized that some people were crying. that's when i realized that everyone knew our story and who i was. i looked at lez who was now crying nonstop in her brothers arms. i couldn't help but feel troubled over my situation. "what have i gotten into?" i whispered with a sigh.

i looked over at nick who probably saw how troubled i was because he said "maybe we should continue this inside. its cold out here"

anna wiped her eyes and said "yeah your right" she pulled my hand and.lead me inside one of the buildings.

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