Kingdom hearts the path of the keyblade ch.11: The search for proof

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You see a girl with blond hair and in a blue dress, in court being held on trial by a really big lady that has a heart fan. You then see the bunny from before blow a horn.

Rabbit: Court is now in session!

Girl: I'm on trial? But why?

The rabbit ignores her and goes on.

Rabbit: Her majesty, the Queen of Hearts, presiding!

Queen of Hearts: This girl is the culprit. There's no doubt about it. And the reason is...because I say so, that's why!

Girl: That is so unfair.

Queen of Hearts: Well have you anything to say in your defense?

Girl: Of course! I've done absolutely nothing wrong! You may be queen. But I'm afraid that doesn't give you the right to be mean!

Queen of Hearts: (yells) Silence! You dare defy me?

Sora: Hey guys, we should help her out.

You: Yeah I mean that lady is really harsh.

Donald: Yeah but the--

Goofy: We're outsiders, so wouldn't that be muddling?

Donald: "Meddling"!

Goofy: Oh yeah. And that's against the rules.

Queen of Hearts: The court finds the defendant...guilty as charged! For the crimes of assault against and attempted theft of my heart...

Sora gasped.

You: (whisper) Heartless.

Queen of Hearts: (points at girl) Off with her head!

The cards then stand at attention and raise their weird axes.

Girl: No! No! Oh, please!

Sora: Hold it right there!

Sora, you, Goofy, and Donald then rush to the queen.

Queen of Hearts: Who are you? How dare you interfere with my court?

You: Excuse me. But we know who the real culprit is!

Goofy: Uh-huh. It's the Heartle--

Goofy then covered his mouth.

Sora: (pointing to the girl) Anyway, she's not the one you're looking for.

Queen of Hearts: That's nonsense. Have you any proof?

You: Uh...

The cards then locked the girl up in a bird cage thing.

Queen of Hearts: Bring me evidence of Alice's innocence! Fail and it's off with all your heads! Gather as much or as little evidence as you please. Report back here when your ready.

You all then walked into the lotus forest to look for evidence. Sora and you look around a little then see a cat head appear. You and Sora jumped back, to see the cat appear another place, then another, then it's head appears on the stump with it's body dancing on it! The cat then gets off it's head and puts it where it's supposed to be.

Donald: (yells) Who are you?

Cat: Who, indeed? Poor Alice. Soon to lose her head, and she's not guilty of a thing!

Sora: Hey, if you know who the culprit is, tell us!

Cat: The Cheshire cat has all the answers--but doesn't always tell. The answer, the culprit, the cat all lie in darkness.

The cat then disappears.

You: (yells) Wait!

Cat: They've already left the forest. I won't tell which exit. There is 4 pieces of evidence. 3 is a cinch to find. The fourth is tricky. Big reward if you find them all.

Donald: Should we trust him?

The cat then appears again.

Cheshire cat: To trust, or not to trust? I trust you'll decide!

The cat then disappears again.

You: Okay that is one freaky cat.

You all start to look around for clues while fighting heartless along the way. You then fall down a hole and land on a oven.

You: Sora looks like we found one.

Sora opens the box.

Sora: Man it reeks!

Donald: Well then theres the stench of heartless.

You: Now to find the rest.

You all then went back to the forest to search for more clues. Sora jumps up two mushrooms to find another clue on a lily pad step.

Sora: That's two.

You open the box.

You: It's a antenna?

Donald: Yep.

Goofy: Two more.

To be continued...

Kingdom Hearts the path of the keyblade ch. 1: Big dreamWhere stories live. Discover now