Chapter 8: The Wait

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She waited. She waited as the time went by, counting days, weeks and months.
one month
two months
three months
If people had known, they would've already thought that she was insane, holding on to a lost love to return, the person being nowhere in sight. The first few months after the show, he would text her, day and night. Sometimes, they would even video call each other. However, one day everything suddenly stopped. She speculated that he was simply occupied, but after that day, he disappeared. It wasn't just stopping any type of contact with her, it was everything. No updates on any form of media, no messages, no calls, nothing. It was almost like he was a ghost. She thought, maybe he did marry Peta, maybe he did settle down with her, but deep down, she knew he wouldn't do that to her, not after what he said to her. So she waited. She waited with that last bit of hope she could hold on to. Despite staying hopeful for a while, she started to doubt everything. How was she supposed to remain hopeful if she has no idea what their current situation was?

11 months later, she went on a business trip to New York. She sworn to herself that she wouldn't tell Charlie of Maks, considering how protective he is over her. Thus, she remained quiet. After the events there were over, Charlie headed back to Detroit. Meryl however, stayed back. Before Charlie left, he told her that something about her seemed off. She told him that everything was fine and kept the torture and soreness to herself.

She needed answers. She didn't care if the truth hurts, she just needed to know.

She found herself a cab in a flash. As the vehicle drove through the city, she sat in silence, awaiting for what was soon to be nearly a year long full of answers. An hour later, she stood behind the large white doors; the only things left separating her from him. Biting her lips, her hands reached for the door bell and rang it. Moments later, the door swift opens.

Sorry for not updating in a month. Exams and preparations have been keeping me super busy. I hope you guys don't mind a short chapter. Ily - Steph

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