Chapter 12: Partners

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"Theres a select things you can actually blame me for, but this isn't one" she says under her breath, grabbing back his attention as he walks towards the door
He stopped and slightly turned his head.
It was evident that there was a growing tension between them. He opened his mouth to speak but let nothing out. The argument wasn't going to lead to any outcome worth fighting for. He fisted his hand, holding back his impatience. Taking a deep breath, he walked out the door and sat down on the chairs right outside her room. After everything that just happened, he still wasn't willing to just leave her.
He took a sip from his bottle and held the it tightly in his hands. He stared at the water as it moved and splashed within the limited amount of space. He bit his lips as the water slowly began to reflect back at Meryl's look of disappointment the moment she saw him. He sighed. Maybe he should've told her, however, that would only take them into worse cases. There is no positive way out.
Sensing someone heading his way, he looked up only to see Cheryl and Charlie rushing to the room. They stop just as they saw him right beside the entry to her room.

"Maks, how is she?" Cheryl asks as she tries to breathe

"She came out of surgery a few hours ago. She's been conscious for a quite a while now."

"Thank you so much for being here for my daughter. I really appreciate it."

Maks smiles, watching the mother quietly entering the room where her daughter remained in bed

"You okay?" Charlie asks, not certain on how to start a conversation with him after so long

"Me? Yeah I'm alright. Just a little worn out."

"Was she that much of a burden?" Charlie jokes

"I deserved every single bit." Maks replies honestly

"Don't say that. You showed up for her, she should be grateful. She probably just isn't able to process everything in right now."

"I messed up Charlie. I got chances after chances and I still messed it all up."

"We all mess up Maks. I'm sure you have a legitimate excuse, you must have. You wouldn't just throw away everything with someone you love that much. I might seem oblivious at times, but your love for Meryl is not something I could just ignore."

"Yeah, unfortunately telling her everything will undoubtedly make everything worse."

"You wanna tell me about it?"

"Not today Charlie. There's too much to deal with already. Plus, aren't you here for her?" He smiles, trying to not get dragged into the topic

"You're right, I should probably get in there. Well, whatever you're dealing with Maks, I hope you get through it. You really deserve to be with her."

"Thank you, Charlie."

Charlie nods before heading inside the room.

"Did he fool you too?" Meryl asks as her partner approaches her

"Hello to you too."

"I'm going to talk to the doctor. I'll be back sweetie" Cheryl interrupts. The two watches as she leaves the room, waiting for the moment she stepped out of the door

"That fall must've been a hard one if it wrecked you up this much"

"Really Charlie?"

"I'm just saying... You really don't think that I didn't know, did you?"

"Know what?" She asks, confused.

"You stayed here for him. You looked for him. What happened Meryl? Why are you so upset?"

"Ask yourself the same question when someone suddenly departs from your life for a year without leaving a single word."

"He's here now, isn't he? He was here for you when no one else was, literally. He's still fighting for you, Meryl. He always did. Now, I have no idea what is or has been going on between you two, but, this is not the Meryl Davis that I've known for the past two decades."

"Maybe I'm just not the person everyone thinks I am."

"Two thirds of our lives Meryl, I'm quite certain thats enough time for me to learn through every layer of you."

"Not this layer."

"You keep playing this game, you'll be the one giving me a severe brain injury"

Even with their deepest conversation, their partnership has always been able to defeat everything and bring a smile to both of their faces. She tried to hide it at first, however, he knew she was smiling, he always did.

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