Chapter 17: In Place

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As they released their embrace, they both stared at the ground with a slight smirk on their faces. It felt like déjà vu from their last kiss that still lingered on their lips.

Cheryl cleared her throat, reminding both of them of her presence in the room. Though she was a little uncomfortable seeing her daughter being kissed right there and then, she was glad to finally see her happy again, because what more could a mother want for their child other than happiness?

"I'm sorry, I'm not meaning to interrupt your moment, but Meryl honey, the tickets aren't going to purchase themselves you know?"

"Mom, plea- "

"Just two."

Meryl proceeded to walk to the desk where the laptop laid, leaving Maks by the door. She turned on the screen, then blinking; once, twice. She turned to face her mother, eyes wide open, "d-did you say two tickets?"

"I certainly did" her mom replied confidently with a grin

She jumped off the chair, racing to hug her mother tightly. "I love you. Thank you"

"I love you too, darling"

As the two were still latched to each other, in the corner watching them was Maks with a large smile that quickly took over his face. At last, everything he ever wanted was slowly being put into place. He promised himself that he would take care of her everyday for as long as he lived, no matter how long or short that time is. He acknowledged the obstacles that are headed their way, still, he's determined to make their relationship work. Before he was able to clear his head from his thoughts, a small body had already wrapped her arms around him, pressing her head against his chest. "I love you" she whispered. He kissed her forehead, then hugging her back.

The rest of the night passed by in a swift second. Both Meryl and Maks wanted to send Cheryl and Charlie to the airport, but of course they insisted that it wasn't necessary and suggested them to get themselves dinner instead, since Meryl had not eaten 'real' food for the past few days.

As Cheryl and Charlie departed for the airport, Meryl and Maks stood by the sidewalk after waving goodbye. Meryl held onto Maks arm that was wrapped around her neck, leisurely letting her eyes close and the breeze of wind touch her skin. She admired nights like this; stars shining ever so bright and clear, soft sounds of music playing from a building nearby, weather at its best behavior. This excelled any 'perfect' scene from any movie; because this, this was sincere and she was experiencing it for herself.
"Where do you want to go?" he whispered soothingly into her ear

"Your place. I'm all around worn out."

Without questioning another word, he hauled in his pocket and reached for his keys.


By the time they arrived at the perimeter, they were left in the darkness. As he unlocked the door, the whole house seemed deserted.

"I guess we have the entire house to ourselves tonight" he says, smiling at her. she wraps her arm around his hips and proceeds to enter the house, waiting for him to put down her bags and dropping their bodies to the couch.

"Do you want me to cook?" he asked. She smiled and nods her head, "you know how my cooking is. Let me cook and we won't have anywhere to stay tonight."

He let out a small giggle before heading to the kitchen.

As Meryl waited for Maks, she let her mind drift to sleep. Little does she know what Maks was preparing for her. He watches her as she sleeps ever so comfortably. As the clock slowly reaches midnight, Maks taps Meryl's shoulders, gently waking her up.

"Dinners ready" he whispers

"H-how long was I asleep for? What time is it?"

"Just about midnight. I didn't want to wake you, but I didn't want you to starve either."

"Right. Should we eat?" she gets up, walking towards the dining room.

"Actually..." he grabs her hand, turning her the other way "come with me"

Though she was confused and a little skeptical, she chose to follow him. He brought her up the stairs and then into a room she had no knowledge of. Inside the room was a wooden staircase. The walls of the room were filled with photographs of his family. Most were what she thought would have been before they moved to the States. She wondered how many people had seen these pictures. It was one of the most priceless things she had ever seen. As they walked up the stairs, she could finally understand the placement of the pictures, Maks and Val getting older as the stairs reached a higher peak. She was so focused on the photographs that she nearly forgot why she was walking up these unfamiliar stairs, not that she was ever sure where it led to. Just as they were getting even closer to the end of the stairs, she saw a glimpse of a photograph that she knew all too well. She tried to speed up her pace up the stairs, only to end up slipping on one of the steps. Fortunately, Maks had his arms ready to catch her.

"Careful" he says, kissing her forehead

her cheeks quickly became roses, however, that didn't feed her curiosity of the last picture that was hung on the wall. She continued to walk, this time more aware of each step she took. As she finally reaches the top, she bumps her head on the ceiling, making a slight groan. Maks couldn't help but chuckle. "Hey!" she says, rubbing her head. "Sorry, I just... I've never seen you this clumsy" he tried to stop laughing. "Well, I just wanted to see..." she paused staring at the picture "this."  She was stunned, out of anything he could have hung, she never expected it to be this. He grinned as he watched her scan through every detail of the framed photograph.

"I had saved that spot years for my 'final destination'. I guess that the mirrorball had been my original final destination in the first place, I mean it took me what? Nine and a half years? However, at some point along our 'journey', I decided that whether or not I won the mirrorball trophy, it wouldn't matter to me, because you, you really were and still are my final destination. Before I met you I had only planned out my life until I won that trophy and figure it out from there, but since you came, that plan was slightly modified and I just... I wanted to figure out the rest of my life with you. Nonetheless, the trophy was a nice touch to it."

He took the edge of the frame, slowly turning it around revealing the hidden item behind.

"You kept it" her eyes gleamed at the shining ring flashing before her

"What did you expect me to do with it?"

She raised her shoulders "I don't know... I just never expect you to have kept it after all those years."

He fiddled with the case, carefully opening it and getting hold of the ring. "This belongs to you. You don't need to wear it or commit to anything you aren't sure about; I just want you to have it back." He placed it on the center of her hand

She took the ring and held it between her two fingers, taking a clear glance at each and every diamond attached before slipping it down her right ring finger.

He watched her every move. Her smile was something he would never get enough of and the beam that is currently on her face was an image he could never forget.

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