Apocalypse's Horsemen [4]

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Chapter 4

Only a few minutes had passed before we found ourselves out in the open air once more. Each of us was cloaked in vibrant shades of reds and blue, our identities hidden by the large hoods draped over our heads. I didn’t have to see the other’s faces to know that each of us held an expression of sheer wonder upon our features. Phil, who had refused to put on a cloak and had opting for a rainbow coloured scarf instead, appeared serene and content with his head tilted to the sky as he hobble forwards.

It truly was captivating – as we turned a corner following the steady stream of coloured hoods before us, soft chanting filled the air. It started low, a barely noticeable hum in the background but it got louder the further we walked until the air was filled with the sweet music. It just ebbed and flowed in a constant symphony that delighted the ears.

“What’s going on?” I whispered. The atmosphere felt sacred and to speak loudly would have broken the magic the chanted words were weaving.

“They are praying, paying respect to their gods.” Phil whispered reverently.

He hobbled along at the head of the group, moving faster than his deteriorating health should have allowed.

“We all feel the danger that is coming, that our way of life is hanging in the balance. So we pray.”

Silence fell over our group as we followed after him. We were all eager to see more and yet strangely content to do nothing but stand still in the streets and bask in the atmosphere.

Phil’s hobbling gait led us into the centre of the icy city. It was probably an ordinary town square the rest of the year but now the space held a raised platform, with beautifully crafted crystal steps leading up to a huge white dais that towered over swaying crowds. The chanting was louder here, a pleading cry that was shouted up to the heavens above. I slid into the crowd, between two thin and willowy beings, each of whom work hoods the colour of sunshine and had their head tilted to the sky. 

In the waning light I could see their expressions of pure rapture as they moved side to side. I titled my head back and looked up the sky, my hood falling off and allowing my hair to tumble out. There was no coldness here, no heat. It was just perfectly warm and safe.

Then, the sky above exploded with coloured lights. They writhed and swirled above in a beautiful dance that stretched from one end of the sky to the other. Aurora Borealis otherwise known as the northern lights was something I had only ever read about in books. In reality, with the voices of hundreds of beings blending into one chant and the smell of herbs and fruits heavy on the wind, it was truly breath taking.

Stood there, my hands lifting towards the sky as if to touch the dancing colours, I did not care that I no longer knew where my companions were. All I cared about was the rhythm and the feelings that were now holding me completely enraptured.  

On the other side of the square a drum began beating, its quick pattern drawing me in. Within seconds of starting my body was swaying along with everyone else’s my heart thudding perfectly in sync with the drum beats.

And then everything went quiet. The lights above still shone brightly, the humming chant still continued and the drum still beat softly but it was all muted now. Drawn to the dais, my eyes greedily took in the impressively tall and wide man now stood on the raised platform - if you could call him a man. He was obviously a descendant of the earth, with his green hair that was literally formed from strands of grass and his skin which was blue as the seas.

He strutted to the centre, dressed in cape as bright blue as the one I wore but his was so thin that it rippled and flowed in the light breeze like it was made of liquid rather that fabric. For a second he paused with his head bowed and his hands clasped across his chest. His thin lips moved but I could not hear a thing over the constant chanting or the thudding of my own heartbeat in my ears.

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