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I'm with the guys in the living room. I'm staring at my fat stomach. "Why are you staring at your stomach?" Party Poison asks. "How can I not I'm sooo fat." "No your not." "Uh yeah I am." "No your pregnant there's a difference." "No there's not I'm fat." Then Fun Ghoul says "Fine your soo fucking fat your such a hippo. Now stop bitching." I can't believe he said that. I got up and ran to my room crying. I know your wondering why I'm crying it's because I'm bitchaphobic.

I go in my room and close the door and lock it and then I take my dresser and put it in front of the door. I sit down in front of it. "I'm a complete bitch. I'm what I always feared I become. Shit." I say to my self then the door is being banged on. "Adrenaline let me in Fun Ghoul didn't mean it." Party Poison says. "No I'm a bitch and he's right. I'm sorry I'm such a bitch." Then the banging stops.


We were just talking when I see Adrenaline staring at her stomach. "Why are you staring at your stomach?" I ask her. "How can I not I'm sooo fat." "No your not." "Uh yeah I am." she's so stubborn. "No your pregnant there's a difference." "No there's not I'm fat." Then Fun Ghoul bursts out "Fine your soo fucking fat, your such a hippo. Now stop bitching." I stare at him shocked. Adrenaline gets up and runs to her room. I can tell she's crying so I get up and run after her.

I bang on her door since it won't budge. "Adrenaline let me in Fun Ghoul didn't mean it." I try telling her. "No I'm a bitch and he's right. I'm sorry I'm such a bitch." 'Oh shit I forgot she's bitchaphobic.' I think in my head while heading back to kick Fun Ghoul's ass. As soon as I get back I tell Fun Ghoul "I'm going to kick your ass you asshole." "Why because I said she's being a bitch?"

"You idiot she's bitchaphobic." "What?" "She has a fear of becoming a bitch and now who knows what she's doing in her room since I can't get in." "Just bust down the door." "She pushed her dresser in front of her door so I can't get in." "Well what's the worst she can do?" "She's a previous cutter you idiot. She might just go back to that."

Just before Fun Ghoul could say anything I was being called to go see Dr. D. "When I get back I'm gonna kick your ass so hard."  I say before walking away. I walk into Dr.D's room and I see him with a girl. "Yeah Dr.D?" "This is Toxic Tears and she's gonna be staying with Adrenaline. So I need you to show her where the room is." "Uh that's gonna be a problem." "Why?" "Because Fun Ghoul said Adrenaline was bitching and she ran to her room crying."

"How does he not know she's bitchaphobic." "I don't know." "Just take her to the room and tell Adrenaline she has a new roommate and if that fails just get her mom." "Alright let's go Toxic Tears." I walk out of Dr.D's room with her following. "So I take it you'll be with us. It's me, Adrenaline Extermination, Jet Star, Kobra Kid and Fun Ghoul." "Cools."  

When we get to the room I knock on the door again. "Go away Party Poison." "But I have your new roommate." "What do you mean?" "Dr.D says she's your new roommate. Can you please let us in now?" "Fine."


I push the dresser away. I unlock the door and let him in. I see my new roommate. "Hi I'm Adrenaline and I know I know I'm fat." "Your not fat your just pregnant." "I'm Toxic Tears." "Okay so that's gonna be your bed." I point to one of the empty one's "And this is mine. Do you need help with anything?" "No I think I'm good all I have to do is unpack." "I could always help."

"Honestly I'm fine." Party Poison comes up to me and asks "Are you okay now?" "No I'm feel terrible about being bitchy to you guys." "Your not Fun Ghoul is just a little annoyed and he doesn't think before he speaks. Also he didn't know you were bitchaphobic." "How could he not I told everyone when I first got here." "I guess he wasn't listening."

I sit down on my bed with Party Poison. "So Toxic Tears how old are you?" "I'm 17." "When's your birthday?" "October 31st." "Same as Fun Ghoul."


After talking with Toxic Tears I found out she has a bunch in common as Fun Ghoul. Then speak of the devil. Fun Ghoul walks in saying "Adrenaline I'm sorry I called you a bitch. I didn't know you were bitchaphobic." I stare at him with daggers. "How the hell did you not know I fucking told everyone on the first fucking day." "Well I uhm."

'I should fuck with his head so he won't ever do that again' "Did you know I was so close to grabbing my razor and slicing my wrist?" "What?!" He says. Party Poison caught on. "If I hadn't come here with Toxic Tears who knows what would've happened. And if something had happened to her I would've killed you then myself." "But...I but." "No fucking buts your so fucking lucky that I have more control than before if not then I'd be dead and not having this conversation." I get up and stand up to him 'Thank god he's not a giant.'

"Then I would fucking haunt you for the rest of your god damn life." I turned back to Party Poison then we both burst out laughing. "Wait what?" "This will tell you not to fucking call me a bitch. And next time you do I will personally kill you slowly and painfully." He looks at me scared. "Okay any ways this is Toxic Tears." I say cheerfully. "Hi." Toxic Tears says a little shy. "Hey I'm Fun Ghoul."


After Fun Ghoul met Toxic Tears they were inseparable. "Hey guys." I say. "Hi Adrenaline." "Guess what Toxic Tears." "What?" "Dangerous Pie!" I yell. "What?" Fun Ghoul asks confused. "Nothing inside joke." Toxic Tears says. I'm laughing. Then Dr. D is calling for all of us to go to his room.

"Yesh Dr. D." Toxic Tears and I say together. "Toxic Tears and Adrenaline your both gonna stay here while they go to Battery City to get Sunshine back again." "Why do I have to stay?" Toxic asks. "So Adrenaline doesn't get bored and decides to join them." "That only happened once." I say. "Once too many times." Dr. D mutters.

"Fine I'll stay." Toxic says defeated. "Bye guys have fun." I say cheerfully. Then Toxic tells Fun Ghoul "Careful okay." "Alrighty." he says. While they walk to the car to go me and Toxic walk to our room. "So what do you want to do?" I ask. "Well what can we do?" "We can go pester my mom." "Sure!" We go in search of my mom.

"MOM WHERE ARE YOU?" I yell loudly. "What do you want Adrenaline and Toxic Tears?" "Nothing we're just bored as hell." "So you have to come and bother me because your bored?" "Yup pretty much." we say cheerfully. "Fine go ahead." she says. "Okay mom how's it going?" "Going good even though this war hasn't ended yet." "What were you doing before?"

Toxic asks. "Sleeping." "Why when you have wonderful people like us to keep you company?" "How about we use this time more usefully." my mom suggests. "Okay by doing what?" "How about we plan Adrenaline a shower?" "But I already took a shower." "Not that kind of shower you idiot. Man my grandchild is gonna be stupid. I meant a baby shower." "OOOOOOOOh I get you now. So what do we have to do?" We all head back to Toxic Tears and my bedroom and start planning the shower.


okays so what do you think so far. think i should continue it or not. Who knows what sex the baby is gonna be? I DO SO TRY GUESSING U GOT A 50-50 CHANCE OF BEING RIGHT OR DO YOU???? :\  who knows oh wait i do :) yaaaaaaaay for me XD btw Dangerous Pie is like my new saying it's amazing I know. btw MCR IS F_ING AMAZING XD isnt adrenaline soooooo smart do u think the kid is gonna be stupid? I dont i think the kid is gonna be unique and different XD

-Adrenaline Extermination

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