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I turn around to see, the two who made my life a living hell, Kevin and Gina. "What the hell do you want?" I ask. "Woah we like uh come here and uh you're being bitchy. Is that any kind of way to treat your best friend and his girlfriend?" "Let's get something straight Kevin isn't my friend. I'm not bitchy you are. You're the queen of Bitches." I say getting really pissed off.

Dr. Death starts calling for Party Poison and I. We walk away with Bandit and Toxic and Fun Ghoul go back to making out. "Yeah Dr.D?" I ask. "You guys are gonna train the two new people their names are..." Dr. D looks on his computer. 'Please tell me it's not Kevin and Gina.' I keep repeating in my head. "Kevin and Gina." "Dammit." I say a little too loudly.

"What is it Adrenaline?" Dr. D asks. "Kevin's a douche bag who use to be my friend and Gina is just queen Bitch." I say. "You still have to train them." "Fine Dammit." 'Just my fucking luck. Only Party and I would get stuck training them.' "When do we have to start training them?" Party asks. "Next Monday."

A growl leaves my throat. Party and I leave the room. I'm soo pissed but it seems like my anger disappeared when I saw Bandit happily playing with my tank top strap. I smile more towards myself. "Party since we're force to do this I say we leave Toxic with Bandit. And I don't want them anywhere near Bandit." "I agree. Just our fucking luck we get stuck with them." "I was thinking the exact same thing."


I change into my jeans and purple and blue tank top and put my gun in my holister thingy, and put on my bandana. I walk out the door and bump right into Party. "Sorries." I say. Then he kisses me and says "Okay I forgive you now." "Did you drop off Bandit?" "Yes I did let's go the sooner we start the sooner we finish.

We walk outside and meet up with Kevin and Gina. "Hey ah guys ah can we just ah start ah now?" Gina asks. It was soo hard not to mock her. "First we're doing target practice because you guys don't have ray guns yet you're gonna borrow ours." Party says passing his gun to Kevin and I pass mine to Gina.

'I hope she doesn't get her bitchy germs on it.' I think in my head. "Okay so you're gonna be shooting those dummies there. Remember Aim for the face." I say. Kevin was a little off and for Gina I didn't even know where she was shooting.

"Gina quick question." I say. "Yeah?" "Where the hell are you shooting because it's sure as hell not the dummy." "Yeah I am ah. It's just ah this gun ah is fucked up." "No it's not wanna see?" "Sure but it's ah fucked up." I grab my gun back and shoot right in the face and I hand it to Party "Wanna see if this is a fucked up gun?" "Sures." He grabs my gun and shoots it right on the face.

"Kevin wanna try?" "Sure?" He gets the gun from Party and shoots and he still gets the same results. "See the guns not fucked up it's just that you don't know how to fucking aim." I say bluntly. She gets pissed and stomps off back into the hide-out. 

"Bitch." I mumble under my breath. I put my gun back into it's holister thingy.


After training Party and I go to Toxic and Fun Ghoul's room to grab Bandit but no one's there. "Where are they?" I ask. We walk around looking for them and that's when we run into Dr.D. "Hey Dr.D have you seen Fun Ghoul or Toxic Tears or Bandit?" I ask. He's hesitant but he says. "Bandit was taken to B.L.Ind." "What!?" I yell out. I feel the tears pricking at my eyes. But instead of crying I start walking away toward the car. I hop in and then notice that Party is in the passenger.

"Don't worry we're gonna get her back." Party says giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. "Let's go get Bandit back." I step hard on the pedal. 'I'm not gonna let her get hurt or brain washed. I'll get her back even if it's the last thing I do.'


okays so watcha think? poor bandit will they get her back in time or not. whats gonna happen to Bandit? wasnt it brave of A.E. not to cry but instead jump in the car and hurry to B.L.Ind. i thinks soos. is kevin n gina gonna keep being an issue? who knows. Gots to go i'm off to go get ready for bed since i have school tomorrow wish me luck on my spanish test.

-Adrenaline Extermination 

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