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We make it to Better Living Ind. and we just walk on in and start shooting those who decide to get in our way. We finish killing most of those who came to attack when I hear.

"Ah hey ah A and P like ah what are you doing here ah?"

There's only one bitch I know with that voice. I turn around to see Gina standing all bitch like and she's holding Bandit. Bandit doesn't look like she's sleeping because she wants to. "What the hell have you done to my daughter?" I hiss at her.

"Nothing she ah refused to ah sleep so we ah helped her." "I will fucking kill you Bitch." I hiss at her. Then I hear a ray gun fire.Then I see Gina about to fall when I run up and grab Bandit. As soon as I have Bandit in my hands I push Gina the other way. Then after she falls I see who shot her....




"Kevin why?" I ask shocked. "Because I came here to get Bandit to get you to forgive me after all I did.And I saw that she had drugged Bandit so I just aimed for the face like you said earlier, so I wouldn't hit Bandit."

"Thank you soo much Kevin." I go up to him and hug him. "Am I forgiven?" He asks. "Hmm what do you think Party should I forgive him?" Party Poison walks up to him looking like he's angry just to fool Kevin.

"No never forgive this guy just because he said our daughter doesn't mean you forgive him after the 4 years of hell." Then we both start laughing at Kevin's reaction. "What?" he asks "Well since you're stupider than me and Party I'll tell you. I forgive you." I say with a smile.

Kevin's face goes from confusion to happiness. "Thanks A." "You're welcome come on lets get back to the hide out." We hurry to the car and I'm in the back seat holding Bandit while the guys are up front. Bandit starts stirring.

Then she wakes up and starts crying until she sees my face. "Hey Bee did ya miss me?" I ask. Bandit just smiles at me.

When we back to the hide-out Dr. D wanted to check out Bandit to make sure they didn't give her the shot to brain wash her. Party, Kevin and I are waiting outside his office. Finally Dr. D comes out and says, "Bandit's fine they didn't give her the shot." "Yaaaay. Can I grab her now?" "Sure thing she's still sleepy from the earlier."


i just finished im soo proud of myself. watcha think after this ch. it's gonna f.f. to when Bandit's almost 3 years old. kks thanks goodness u read this cuz if not u be confuzzled next ch. i mite end this soon and have a sequel. watcha think a sequel is good or no. i decided to write today for 2 reasons 1) i just fin my LA writing thing thats due tomorrow and im happy so happy that im on cloud nine (inside joke) 2) and 2 i found out this really cute guy likes me but i dont think im all that pretty but im not saying im ugly tho but still why me?????? i dedicated this to xxsophiexx95 cuz she's (trying) to get me 2 understand that theres someone for everyone but i dont see someone like him liking me. OMFG i just saw this comment on this bvb knives n pens video saying how idk how they r above jb they suck... blah blah blah i just wanna say to that fucktard that everyone is better than jb cuz he cant sing rap n he dont look good so how the hell is he famous and HE NEVER WENT THROUGH PUBERTY!!! GRRRRRRR i h8 wen ppl say rock screamo metal etc. suck wen they go off and listen to that thing they call jb.

-Adrenaline Extermination

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