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MAYA AND LIAM STOOD IN SCOTT'S KITCHEN AS THEY WATCHED HIM GET HIS THINGS TOGETHER. "Kira found Brett. They're fine but we've got to go." Scott said. Maya nodded and grabbed her helmet.

"More assassins?" Liam asked. "Maybe a lot more." "Different then the ones who just tried to set us on fire?" Maya asked. "I think so." Scott noticed the discomfort in Liam. But on the other hand Maya didn't seem to be reacting the same way as her boyfriend. Maybe he was forcing them to be part of something they didn't want. "How about I take both of you home?"

Scott felt a little bad but if he wasn't there to help them make the change then they'd have to do it on their own. But he knew what it was like to try to do alone. People ended up dead because he didn't understand the world of the supernatural, a world he was now part of.

"I'm not like you." Liam said. "Not yet."
"I don't mean I'm not strong or I'm never going to learn control. I mean everything else. You and your friends try to protect everyone. Have you been doing this the whole time? I mean, how are you all still alive?"

Maya placed a hand on Liam's shoulder and closed her eyes. She'd seen all of Scott's friends die or seen a few to know they died fighting. Fighting for what was right. Maya saw them as heroes and maybe she was crazy but she wanted to be like them.

"Not all of them have. Scott I'm coming with you." Maya said. Scott sent her a weak smile. Liam looked over at his girlfriend with pleading eyes. He didn't want her to go but he knew he wasn't going to get her out of doing what she wanted. "Be careful." Liam said before kissing her forehead.

She nodded and watched as Scott and Liam made their way out the door. Suddenly Maya began to walk aimlessly out of the house. She didn't know where she was going but it felt right. Something was calling her.

Maya walked into the sheriffs station. "Maya what are you doing here?" Lydia asked. "I am not sure. I started walking and now I am here. I know it doesn't make sense but I don't know how else I could've got here." "Hey it's okay. It happens to me a lot."

Maya nodded her head. Maybe it was something that was part of being supernatural. The blonde took a seat next to Lydia. The sheriff came out of his office. "What did she say?" Lydia asked. Maya raised a brow, was she missing something. "Hard to tell. There were words. I'm not sure there were actual sentences."

"I think we need a psychologist"

"Or a medium"

"Is she even competent to be charged with something?" Lydia asked. "If Meredith is the benefactor, then that means she was competent enough to trick Kate into opening the vault, competent enough to blackmail Brunski into helped her, and competent enough to create a hit list and pay out money for its completion. This girls practically a criminal mastermind." The sheriff said.

Maya eyes drifted to the window the sheriff had pointed at. In the room sat a women with her back towards the window. "There's gotta be a reason why she would do this." Maya mumbled. "I'm only interested in the "why" if it tells me "how" " Stilinkski said.

"You mean how to stop it." Lydia corrected. "After what happened with Scott tonight, this thing's still going. The payments could be automatic. And as long as the killers are getting paid, and paid very well, that list is gonna keep getting smaller." Papa Stilinkski said in frustration.

Finally Maya looked away from the window. "We don't just need to stop the deadpool. We need to stop the money." Maya said.


Maya and Lydia had spent the night at the station. Her head rested in the strawberry blonde's lap. "I thought I told both of you to go home." Stilinski said as he walked out of his office. "I thought I told you we weren't going anywhere. Did they get anything out of her?" Lydia said as she played with Maya's blonde locks.

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