Chapter 9: Runt of the litter

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Chapter 9



My brows furrowed at his question. "What do you mean why?"

"Why? Why now?" he spread his arms wide. "Why all of a sudden?"

I frowned "Who said it was all of a sudden?"

Donny shook his head, but a small smile played about his lips. I watched as he pushed back in his chair and folded his arms before him. "You can't bullshit me Damion. I know you." He said. "You like to plan. You like to roll an idea around in your head for a long time, find all the possible hitches, do all the math and all that shit before you even discuss it with anyone."

"And here I am, discussing it with you. What's the issue?"

"The issue is brother, that whenever you have a business idea, you call the whole team together and you convince us using facts, figures, a business plan, charts" he waved his hand around as he spoke as though each item he called was floating around in the air."

I raised a brow and he sighed. "Okay, maybe not charts, but you know what I mean and you're wasting your time trying to convince me otherwise, so tell me what made you suddenly drop everything and come to me with this random idea."

I hesitated—something I never did—and he noticed. "What if I told you I just have a good feeling about this?"

Now it was his turn to raise a brow. "A good feeling." He repeated the words slowly, as though trying them out for the first time. Then he stood, walked around his desk and came to stand in front of me.


I was cut off as he bent slightly at the waist so he could stare into my eyes; a suspicious, searching look on his face. "Who are you and what have you done with my brother?" he questioned, and I shook my head and pushed him away.

"I'm serious Donny." I said

"I can see that." He tapped his finger against his chin as he watched me carefully. "This wouldn't have anything to do with your new sub would it?"

I frowned "What would wanting to expand our business have to do with Cam?" I asked in annoyance and he shrugged.

"I don't know, ever since you started spending so much time with him you seem different."

"Different." I said simply.

He nodded, "Yeah, less like you have a heart of steel and more...human." he finished, and when I frowned he was quick to say; "This is a good thing of course."

"Can we stop with this nonsense and get back to the matter at hand please?"

It was then that he finally relented, and with a sigh, moved to leaned against his desk. "Hey, I like the idea of opening another branch and I'm sure the others will too." He began, but I could already sense the but coming. "but opening it in Chicago doesn't sound like a sound business decision."

"What's wrong with Chicago?"

If I didn't know better I'd say he rolled his eyes at me "Everything."

I groaned. "Donny—"

"Okay, how about this." He interrupted. "You show me why Chicago is our best bet. Lay out your strategy, show me the numbers and all that other crap you always do and I'll back you with the others, but you can't come to me with a good feeling for something as important as this and expect me to back your play Damion."

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