Part 33- Pain

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Yukine's POV
Why was Bishamon making me do this? I was in so much pain and I was completely useless. I had never been covered in this much blight since the time when I was cleansed with Yato. But this feeling seemed ten tines worse when I was in my weapon form: I couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't save either one of my masters. I layed limp on the cold, wet concrete, the sharp blades of rock digging into me and rushing down my spine, filling my whole body with an agonising stinging sensation. I felt the blood flow down my back, and I could almost here the thud as it reached the ground, leaving a dark red puddle on the black gravel. I clenched my fists and tried to bare this pain, as I felt the cool, harsh tears trickle down my flushed cheeks, pricking my skin every second. It was almost as if this was my punishment for everything I had done to Yato and Bishamon. And now Yato had been lead down the wrong path with that Nora he was using; I couldn't save him, or Bishamon.

I suddenly saw a small figure run round the corner of the street, the wind tugging her back, stopping her from seeing what was going on. I gasped. No way. Hiyori ran over to Yato and called out his name, again and again. He was remembering, and started to walk towards her. I called out his name too, trying to make him realise what he was doing.

Suddenly Nora dug herself into Yato's chest and he screamed out. Blight flew around the area, sticking onto the two gods and each regalia. I too, was soon consumed by the purple disease and felt myself slip away. Kuraha picked Bishamon up and ran away, back to Tagamagahara, while I started to close my eyes.
"Sorry Yato, Hiyori," I whispered.

"I couldn't save you..."

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