Date Night

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Gaah an update !!

Dan's POV

    I wake up and turn seeing a shirtless Phil with his chest and neck covered in hickeys and his hair turned up in a sloppy quiff. I get out of bed and make my way over to the bathroom hopping in the shower. I can't help but start singing.
A few minutes later I'm out and dressed into black skinny jeans, black socks, and my horn hoodie. I pull up the hoodie to cover my hobbit hair and crawl on top of Phil. I pepper his face in kisses and he squirms in his sleep letting out a small whimper making me smile. I play with his hair as he wakes up. "mmm" he mumbles out and I smile as his eyes flutter open and I see his eyes making my heart sink into my stomach. "Get dressed we're going out" I say and he obeys sitting up as I move off him. He hops in the shower quickly and I scroll through tumblr on my phone. I see the various smutty Phan art and even cute fluff ones. I smile and soon enough Phil comes out wearing his Jake hoodie and black skinny jeans with his miss matched socks and starts putting on his black converse. I follow suit and grab my keys. "Ready?" I ask and he nods. I peck his lips and grab his hand leading the way.
Time to make him smile.

We arrive at Starbucks and order our drinks. We sit in our usual booth and me being the child I am I start to doodle on the Windows. I draw a smiley face making Phil smile and next to it I do a small doodle of us holding hands. I quickly erase it after wards making us both giggle.
Our drinks arrive and we start drinking them slowly and Phil moves so we're sitting together now. I hold his hand under the table making him blush. He's such a teenager sometimes with how small things like this make him blush. cheeky shit.
I quickly turn his head towards me and peck his lips. He squeals and playfully hits my arm. "dAN!" he squeals out blushing madly making me fit into a burst of giggles.
"YOU CANT DO THAAAT!" he screams and I cover his mouth still laughing as he playfully slaps my thigh with his sleeves. He's so perfect. he's a literal angel. how is he so perfect?

A/N: Hiii! So heads up this story will be ending soon buut, I'm writing one story and maybe even starting another which will be solely based on smut you dirty bastards ((;;; haha. anyway that's all I wanted to say and hope you enjoyed. I love you all

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