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When I hugged aphmau she hugged me back in confusion. So I played it cool.  "I'm so sorry but you look fimilar" I said blushing
"It's no problem but back to my question were is the lord ?"
"I'm afraid the lord died today because of his failure son" I started to choke up from holding the tears back
Aphmau then gave me a hug "don't blame yourself laurance I'm not a foul I know that you're his son and that your blaming yourself "
I then wiped my tears away "what do you need that you wanted the lord so badly" I asked
"Well I needed to just talk about joining my Phoenix drop alliance"
She answered back with a disappointed tone"why don't you speak with lord kenmur or Hayden about that"
I then pointed in the direction of the huts were the lords lived in
"Thank you very much laurance"

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